莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ɪkˈspleɪn]play美 [ɪkˈspleɪn]play

  • v. 解释,说明;说明(……的)原因,解释(……的)理由

第三人称单数 explains 现在分词 explaining 过去式 explained 过去分词 explained

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


explain /ɪkˈspleɪn/ CET4 TEM4 [ explaining explained explains ]

  • 1.
    及物动词/不及物动词 If you explain something, you give details about it or describe it so that it can be understood. 解释 (意思)

    Not every judge, however, has the ability to explain the law in simple terms.



    Don't sign anything until your lawyer has explained the contract to you.



    Professor Griffiths explained how the drug appears to work.


  • 2.
    及物动词/不及物动词 If you explain, or explain something that has happened, you give people reasons for it, especially in an attempt to justify it. 解释 (原因)

    "Let me explain, sir."—"Don't tell me about it. I don't want to know."



    Before she ran away, she left a note explaining her actions.



    Explain why you didn't telephone.






describe detail explain narrate 【导航词义:描述,叙述】

describe v. 描写,描述

〔辨析〕 普通用词,指说明某人或某事物的细节,使有清晰的形象。

例1: The police asked her to describe the robber.


例2: He described how the accident had happened.


例3: She described the beauty of London in Chapter 6.


detail v. 详述

〔辨析〕 指详细说明关于某事的事实或信息。

例1: In the report, the manager detailed the progress his staff had made over the last year.


例2: The usage of this cleanser is fully detailed in the brochure.


explain v. 阐明,说明

〔辨析〕 指以一种清楚明了的方式讲解某事。

例1: Can you explain how the machine is operated?


例2: The teacher explained the rules to the children.


narrate v. [正式] 叙述,描述

〔辨析〕 指叙述经历或讲故事。

例1: I'd like to narrate my life story.


例2: The story is narrated by the main actor.



1. Dreams i just can't explain 我还是不能解释梦想

2. explain clearly 阐明,清晰的解释

3. POSTAGE EXPLAIN 邮费说明 ; 邮费阐明 ; 邮资阐明

4. explain away 通过解释消除

5. explain oneself 为自己辩解;说明自己意图

6. No Time To Explain 没空解释 ; 没时间解释 ; 激光男孩 ; 没空说明

7. account explain 说明 ; 解释

8. explain sth to sb 向某人解释某事 ; 向某人解释 ; 给某人解释某事 ; 向……解释

9. EXPLAIN PLAN 执行计划 ; 阅读 ; 单独使用 ; 解释计划

10. Explain in words 言传


1. When asked to explain her behaviour, she gave a very defensive answer.

有人问她为什麽要这样做, 她则极力为自己辩解.《期刊摘选》

2. Hospital discipline was broken. Amy would have to explain herself.


3. A mistake is a mistake. Don't try to explain it away.

错了就错了, 不要辩解.《现代汉英综合大词典》

4. He evaded her questions about the war and tried to explain away the atrocities.


5. Priestly explains how the deep blue color of the assistant's sweater descended over the years from fashion shows to department stores and to the bargain bin in which the poor girl doubtless found her garment.

普利斯特里解释了其助理的毛衫所采用的深蓝色是如何逐年过时的:从时装展销到百货商店,最后出现在打折区。毫无疑问,这可怜的女孩就是从打折区淘来了这件衣服。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

6. It also explained the importance and necessity of doing such a research on library.


7. The judge clapped her into prison before she had had time to explain.


8. I won't explain how this works now — it might muddle you up.


9. Could you successfully explain a way of life that you found unjustifiable?

你能成功地为你觉得不合理的生活方式辩解 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

10. Let me explain why.


11. scientific findings that help explain the origins of the universe


12. Let me digress for a moment and explain what had happened previously.


13. All of us hooted at him as he tried to explain his mistakes.


14. He was hard put to it to explain her disappearance.


15. Please explain this problem to me.


16. Shiki is unable to speak up to explain himself.


17. Please give me a chance to explain.


18. Companies are eager to win patents for ‘connecting the dots', explains Hans Sauer, a lawyer for the BIO.

生物技术工业组织的律师汉斯•萨奥尔解释道,许多公司都渴望获得“连接相关基因点”的专利。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

19. The judge clapped her in prison before she had had time to explain.


20. The official report of his death does not explain every thing that happened.


21. She concocted some elaborate story to explain her absence.


22. She might at least have called to explain. There's gratitude for you.


23. He rang off before I could explain.


24. I'll explain it to you step by step.


25. Explain why you didn't telephone.


26. I really don't see why I should have to explain myself to you.


27. At some places there were information plates which explained the proceedings of the war.


28. The thesis explained the development entire process of schoolmate records system.


29. The factory manager used a flowchart to explain the production process.


30. He explained how to write the composition.


31. The picture succeeds to explain detail my design style continuously.


32. Several factors have been adduced to explain the fall in the birth rate.


33. We made demos, showed technical specifications and explained advantages and benefits for the companies.

我们做了演讲, 展示了我们的技术说明,讲解了我们的优势,并且得益于这些公司.《期刊摘选》

34. Brainy students could understand easily what the teacher explained to them.


35. She saw his frown and hastened to explain.


36. The book explains grammar simply and clearly.


37. “This breaks the major rule in the American belief system — that anyone can do anything,” explains M.J. Ryan, author of the 2006 book “This Year I Will...” and Ms. Markova's business partner.

“打破了美国信仰体系中的重要原则——每个人都无所不能”,2006年出版的新书《今年我会……》的作者M.J.赖恩解释说。同时,赖恩也是马可娃女士的生意伙伴。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

38. Finally, this paper explains the application of futurology in the budgeting control.


39. As I explained the techniques and terminology, he soaked it up . Far more than I realized.

我讲解技巧和术语时, 他相当投入,这远远出乎我的意料.《期刊摘选》

40. I've just been explaining the basic principles of strategy to my generals.


41. I want you to explain the circumstances.


42. Secondly, the article explains instructive meaning rose in the research work of Edinburgh school.


43. How can I explain if you keep butting in?


44. I'll explain it nice and simply so you can understand.


45. It's pretty hard to explain.


46. He explained the beauty of the music to her but it was casting pearls before swine.


47. But it is really happiness that's linked to investment, or could something else about happier cities explain why firms there spend more on R and D?

但与投资相联系的真的是幸福指数吗?或者说,有关幸福指数较高城市的其他方面能否解释为何那里的公司在研发上投入更多?《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

48. People have proposed all sorts of hypotheses to explain why dinosaurs have become extinct.


49. In Logic class, the teacher is explaining a logical paradox.

逻辑课上, 老师正在给学生讲解一个悖论问题.《期刊摘选》

50. Part I is the preface, explains the why the author choose this topic and its significance.

第一部分为序言, 说明本文选题的原因和意义.《期刊摘选》

51. The findings do not simply explain people's tendency to befriend those of similar ethnic backgrounds, say the researchers.

研究人员说,该发现不是在简单说明人们倾向于和种族背景相似的人交朋友。 《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

52. She tried to explain but he wouldn't listen.


53. Measurement theory based signal being similar to AC also explained, and an application example is given.

文中介绍针对电阻型传感器的远距离、高精度测量的新方法,说明类交流信号的测量原理, 并给出应用实例.《期刊摘选》

54. In theory, the definition and system of TMN are explained.

在基本理论方面, 对TMN的定义和体系结构进行了说明.《期刊摘选》

55. Well, that doesn't explain why you didn't phone.


56. She explained to them what to do in an emergency.


57. Please bring your attention to the center aisle as the flight attendant explains the safety rules.


58. Would you mind explaining that again, please?


59. Before explaining the connection to the Obamacare, it is worth making an important distinction.

在解释此数字与奥巴 马医改法案的关系之前,我们有必要区分一些重要概念。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

60. ‘It works like this, ’ she explained.


61. Explains how to manipulate letter case in code.


62. That, too, explains the heavy Washington presence at this year’s

show, as these new technologies intrude upon heavily regulated areas.这也解释了华盛顿政府在今年展会上的高度参与,因为这些新技术侵入了受到严格管制的领域。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

63. Why this similarity exists in smell genes is difficult to explain, for now.

至于这种相似性为何存在于嗅觉基因中,目前还很难解释。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

64. John had to apologize and explain himself several times.


65. In follow sections, explained every part's function and realized means.


66. And make a explain the safety, three wastes processing and the utilities with this ashe.

并对该工段的工艺控制、车间安全 、 “三废处理”和公用工程做了说明.《期刊摘选》

67. Did you get that joke, Ann? I'll explain later.


68. The theory also seems to explain the sudden and unexpected popularity of certain looks, brands, or neighborhoods.

这一理论似乎也解释了,为什么某些样式、品牌或者社区会突然受到始料未及的欢迎。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

69. It is this apparent transcendence of politics that explains monarchs’ continuing popularity as heads of state.

正是这种明显的政治超越性,解释了君主作为国家首脑将继续受到欢迎的原因。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

70. 'Let me explain!' he added helpfully.


71. The teacher is explaining what we were confused about.


72. He knew that this would be his day in court — his last chance to explain why he acted as he did.


73. The defendant explained his actions to the judge.


74. Our model explains why segregation mainly occurs at particular levels and produces distinctive magmas.


75. That helps explain why, as I ’ m First ’ s Rubinoff indicated, the schools to which these students end up resorting can end up being

some of the poorest matches for them.来自 I ’ m First 的 Rubinoff 指出:这种情况有助于解释为什么这些学生最终投奔的学校可能结果却是最不适合他们的。《15年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

76. She began to explain her plan of action to the group.


77. At least give him the opportunity of explaining what happened.


78. He tried to explain away the missing money.


79. I'm not very good at explaining myself.


80. In the biology class, the teacher explained to us the principle of assimilation.

生物课上, 老师给我们讲解了同化作用的原理.《期刊摘选》

81. Besides that the teacher explained the theory, he gave the students a lot of examples.

教师不仅讲解了理论, 而且还给学生举了许多例子.《期刊摘选》

82. She tried to explain away the missing money.


83. The documentary explains that these tigers are being killed for their skin and bones.


84. Harvard Business School professor Leslie Perlow explains

that when people feel the pressure to be always  “on,”they find ways to accommodate that pressure, including altering their schedules, work habits and interactions with family and friends.哈佛大学商学院的教授 Leslie Perlow 解释说,当人们感到压力持续存在时,他《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

85. The idea is intuitively compelling, but it doesn't explain how ideas actually spread.

这种观点乍一看令人信服,但其实,它并没有解释出思想究竟是如何传播开来的。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

86. ‘Let me explain! ’ he added helpfully.


87. The International Student Handbook explains the higher system and how to apply to schools.


88. The article explains the importance of salary management system by analysing developing environment of DFR.


89. This only goes halfway to explaining what really happened.


90. She explained the thinking behind the campaign.


91. I think we have explained the nose expressions. What about ears?

我想我们已经讲解了不少与鼻子有关的词语. 那么耳朵呢?《期刊摘选》

92. The researchers explained that the study demonstrated when we are in a 29 novel environment the brain partly remains alert so that humans can defend themselves against any 30 potential danger.

研究人员解释说,该研究说明,当我们处于一个(29) 新环境时,部分大脑会保持警觉以使人们可以防御(30) 潜在的危险。《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

93. Its father explains: doubler today experience.

其父辩解道: 今天双倍经验.《期刊摘选》

94. Information that explains grammar is sent to their mobile phones between lectures.


95. Alex explained that his car had broken down.


96. Ill show you around and explain the operation as we go along.


97. The while loop will be explained in the next chapter.


98. They explained what had happened.


99. Don't try to explain away the situation. If you have made mistakes, just admit them.

不要再分辩了, 有错误就承认嘛!《现代汉英综合大词典》

100. The analysis result explains adequately the consistency between theory hypothesis and practical experience.


101. It was already been explained that wood shrinks when its moisture content is reduced.


102. She tried to explain how the system works, but it's all Greek to me.


103. Can you explain how the email system works?


104. There are too many complications to explain now.


105. Sports teacher is used explain or actual performance will be betterer.


106. Before she ran away, she left a note explaining her actions...


107. 'It works like this,' she explained.


108. Hadn't I reread the books many times and explained them to my buddies?

难道我不是反复研读课本,并且向我的伙伴们讲解 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

109. How do you explain your rude behavior?


110. I think that's my cue to explain why I'm here.


111. 'Let me explain, sir.' — 'Don't tell me about it. I don't want to know.'...


112. Can you explain your stupid behaviour?

你能为你这种愚蠢行为辩解 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

113. It also explained the description of parallel titles based on the characteristic of CNMARC.


114. He explained who each person in the photo was.


115. You need a lawyer to explain all the legalities of the contracts.


116. It's all very complicated—but I'll try and explain.


117. Jenny would make a good teacher because she at explaining things to children.


118. Please explain this rule.


119. It's all very complicated ─ but I'll try and explain.


120. Can you explain that point again?


121. (informal)Oh well then, that explains it (= I understand now why sth happened) .


122. He thought of a reason to explain away his failure.


123. We need more scientists who can explain what they are doing in language that is 29 convincing and understandable to the public

我们需要更多的科学家,用(29) 令人信服的、易于理解的语言向公众解释他们正在做的事情。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

124. They went to extraordinary lengths to explain their behaviour.


125. He failed to explain his meaning generally.


126. Many theories purport to explain growth in terms of a single cause.


127. I was only trying to explain; I didn't want to sound patronizing.


128. This explains the rules under which the library operates.


129. One wonders what Dane thought of the careful sermons explaining the Bible that he heard in puritan churches.

人们不禁会想,当戴恩在清教徒教堂里所听到那些精心解释《圣经》的布道时会作何感想。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

130. It's true he explained.

"这是真的,”他解释道。  《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

131. His book explains the theory for the lay public.


132. First, I'll explain the rules of the game.


133. Could you explain yourself a little more─I didn't understand.


134. The teacher explained theory of relativity simply and clearly.


135. This is what I will do. I will telephone Anna and explain.


136. Don't sign anything until your solicitor has explained the contract to you...


137. He will explain it fully once and for all.


138. This topic explains how to extend the marshaling library to provide more conversions between data types.


139. Well, you know, it's difficult to explain.


140. The leaflet explains how to apply for a place.


141. In order that every student might understand it, the teacher explained that passage again and again.

为了使每个学生都明白, 老师反复讲解那一段.《简明英汉词典》

142. Fred made a story to explain why he was late.


143. Please don't get cross. Let me explain.


144. Oh well then, that explains it.


145. Not every judge, however, has the ability to explain the law in simple terms...


146. I explained that an ambulance would be coming soon.


147. I can't explain such a statement by him on the basis of logic. He must have blown his top.


148. The engineer explained the plane's technical capabilities.


149. Now then, I'm going to explain everything to you before we do it.


150. Please explain to me where to begin and how to do it.


151. His desperate efforts to explain away his remarks were unsuccessful.


152. It is also easy to replicate, as the next subsection explains.


153. He made up a story to explain why he was absent.


154. If you'll bear with me, Frank, just let me try to explain.


155. The article advances a new theory to explain changes in the climate.


156. When using sorbitic extractors, try to teach and explain packing method.

在使用沙氏提取器时, 应作试教,讲解安装方法.《期刊摘选》

157. It's the nth time I've explained it to you.


158. It was difficult to explain the problem to beginners.


159. Explains how Debug and Release are used, and introduces build configurations.

说明如何使用“调试”版本和“发布”版本, 并介绍生成配置.《期刊摘选》

160. The government now has to explain its decision to the public.


161. He explained the beauty of the music to her but it was just casting pearls before swine.


162. He has been attacked, defended, explained, slandered, and honored.

有人对他攻击, 有人为之辩护, 有人作出辩解, 有人加以诽谤, 也有人表示尊崇.《期刊摘选》

163. Please explain this rule to me.



1. The speech he gave would be one of his last, as Kay Gallant and Harry Monroe explain this week in our series.

VOA : special.2009.12.31

2. We explain its place in the history of the first stagecoaches that carried mail to the American West.

VOA : special.2010.04.26

3. These findings could help explain a well-known phenomenon.


4. Park Service rangers explain that mother bats find their babies by remembering their location, their smell and the sound of their cry.

VOA : special.2009.12.07

5. All this helps explain why shares of Netherlands-based EADS, maker of Airbus planes, continue to outperform.

FORBES: Boeing's 787 Crisis: No End in Sight

6. I had met with him to explain the format of the programme.


7. The better prepared students have to formulate the concepts, so that they can explain them, which really helps.

准备更好的学生得,建立知识概念,那样才能解释他们,这对他们非常有帮助。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

8. There's a lot of imagery of swelling, of distortion and distention of the body that some critics point to her biography to explain.

在她的书中有许多关于身体肿胀、变形和膨胀的想象,一些评论人从她的自传中找到了解释。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. "The government's unification channel should explain how that money would be used, " says 24-year-old Hwa Seung-hyun.

BBC: Will young South Koreans watch 'unification TV'?

10. Guides explain that it did not result from the action of water and streams like other limestone caves.

VOA : special.2009.12.07

11. He's keen to explain why he's not buying the politics of the religious parties anymore.

NPR: Violence Precedes Pakistan Election

12. How did he explain to her his obsession with this volcano, the highest point in Japan?

WSJ: Tom Rob Smith Climbs Mount Fuji | Traveler's Tale

13. Also, when we're looking at the Schrodinger equation, it allows us to explain a stable hydrogen atom, which is something that classical mechanics did not allow us to do.

当我们看一个薛定谔方程的时候,它给出一个稳定的氢原子,这是在经典力学中做不到的。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

14. For example, he begins by borrowing the Russian formalist distinction in trying to explain what fiction is between plot and story.

举个例子,他开篇在解释那种文体介于情节和故事之间时,借用了俄国结构主义的特点。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. I would come right back to you with yeah, you intuited that but can you explain to me what you were hearing?

很高兴你答对了,你凭直觉答对了,能解释下你听到了什么吗聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. And as I will explain in a second there are many reasons why this sense hasn't really been elucidated at the molecular level.

难以真正从分子学的角度阐明,这种感官的原因是多方面的,有关这一点,稍后我会另行解释。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

17. What matters is that you thought your way there and can explain why you believe it.

CNN: For Class of 2013, a cold shower

18. How can we explain the near total lack of global interest in this story?

FORBES: A Maritime Tragedy Worse Than The Titanic: Why Don't We Care About the Joola?

19. The solution, as I explain here, is to limit the growth of the federal budget.

FORBES: Mr. President, Here's That Balanced Approach You Keep Demanding

20. And they explain why Europe is in trouble and why Illinois is in trouble.

FORBES: Illinois Downgrade Provides More Evidence that Higher Taxes Make Fiscal Problems Worse, not Better

21. They explain their special needs to politicians, in their offices and at cocktail parties.

CNN: Edwards' October 13, 2007, speech on restoring democracy

22. While most sightings turn out to be nothing more sinister than house cats, some are harder to explain.

BBC: Isle of the tiger

23. The Great Lakes Historical Shipwreck Society works to preserve and explain the history and importance of the area's wrecks.

VOA : special.2009.11.11

24. The Museum of Crime and Punishment has exhibits that explain how experts gather evidence at the place where a crime is committed.

VOA : special.2010.05.05

25. It would be impossible to explain the entire debate, so we will just tell a few stories about some great artists.

VOA : special.2010.04.14

26. How does all this work? Brooks believes that he can understand it, as we'll try to explain, in psychoanalytic terms.

这些都是怎么实现的呢?,布鲁克斯确信自己可以,从精神分析的角度理解这些问题,我们马上要解释。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. Spend the night at the bottom of the Grand Canyon with an astronomer who can explain the stars.

BBC: The bloom of cancer

28. And dualism simply says, "It's all nonphysical, it's part of the ether," and hence fails to explain it.

二元论只是说,"心灵是无形的,是世界的一部分",因此并不能给出合理的解释心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Well actually we're going to wait until next week to send that one out, and I'll explain why in a minute.

实际上,我们要下周再发这个,我稍后解释原因关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. How else to explain the endless Treasury rally and the full-scale retreat from equities?

FORBES: Price Before Volume, Horse Before Cart

31. Mr. Amer went on to explain how you prepare for a child in a war zone.

NPR: The Joy and Sorrow of Becoming a Baghdad Parent

32. Leggett is credited with formulating "a decisive theory" to explain how their atoms are ordered.

BBC: Magnet repelled over superconductor, SPL

33. And we want to explain those sublime moments, when we seem to be transported beyond our ordinary concerns.

NPR: Karen Armstrong: Myths and the Modern World

34. This article seeks to explain briefly how a trader uses Elliott Waves to change his tactics.

FORBES: Elliott Waves Point To Apple Turnaround On The Charts

35. As for the value tilt, it s there, but it can t explain his superior results.

FORBES: Betting Against Market Fads

36. As noted, low inflation helps to explain why interest rates are so low at present.

FORBES: Are "High" Yield Bonds At Only 7% Worth The Risk?

37. The Russians are angry and the Cypriot finance minister is heading to Moscow to explain.

BBC: Cyprus bailout: Who messed up?

38. Scientists in the United States and other countries have been working to explain the mysterious disappearances of bees.

VOA : special.2009.09.22

39. And this poem seemed like one you might find and be able to read yourself, without me there to explain it.

而这首诗似乎是一首,你们自己就可以读懂的,不用我多做解释的诗。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. Then they explain the bizarre name of the company, just in case the customer is confused.

FORBES: The Profit Givers

41. The paper does not explain why foreign ownership should be considered bad.


42. I’ll show you around and explain the operation as we go along.


43. Mr.Kristof and Ms.WuDunn explain how all over the world women are subjected to violence, sexual slavery and other forms of severe oppression.

VOA : special.2010.06.16

44. These practices help explain why such a broad range of pricing exists for similar accounts.

FORBES: Price Wars Heat Up Investment World

45. They might also encourage volunteers to explain and promote Obama's policies to their neighbors.

CNN: Commentary: Will Obama use 'Facebook politics'?

46. So, from this moment forth, and I heard some stuff go off earlier. But, I let it slide because I haven't had my chance to explain what my expectations are.

从此刻开始,我刚才听到了一些声音,但是,我置之不理了,因为我还没有机会,向你们表达我的期待。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

47. It's a hard game to explain, and even harder when it's tangled up with politics.

NPR: The Volatile Mix of Politics and Golf

48. He says the way most running shoes are designed may explain why those who wear them land on their heels.

VOA : special.2010.02.03

49. These social supports may help explain why many women seem to be better able to deal with stress than men are.

VOA : special.2009.03.24

50. He can't explain the predominance of female cases.


51. For those of us from the Northern Hemisphere, can you explain what that is?

NPR: Fat Freddy's Drop Blends Reggae, Soul And DJ Culture

52. "I cannot explain to you how scared I was before this competition, " she said.

WSJ: Gay wins 100 at Adidas Grand Prix in New York

53. Why aren't I allowing the soul theory to say, "Don't blame us. We don't know how to explain it yet."

而又为什么不允许灵魂理论说,别责怪我们,我们只是还不知道怎么去解释死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. That way, we as a government can talk to our people and explain it to them.

WSJ: Drone Strike Kills Pakistan Taliban Deputy

55. The exhibits include historical objects that explain his presidency, his famous speeches and his life in the White House.

VOA : special.2009.07.24

56. The study found that climate conditions alone could not explain the amount of tree cover in different areas.

VOA : special.2009.09.01

57. To explain this litany of anti-U.S. aggression we search doggedly for evidence of our own malfeasance.

FORBES: Why Washington Resists Victory in a Post-9/11 World

58. In order to explain it-- I had to write down the binomial distribution to explain it properly.

要解释这一点,我要先在黑板上写一个二项分布,以便于解释清楚这个问题金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. Now Woolf doesn't try to explain exactly how it is that Milton is shutting out the view, and she doesn't try to explain what the view would look like if it weren't shut out.

伍尔夫没有试图解释弥尔顿是怎样,遮住了窗外的风景,她也没有说明,如果没有被遮住这风景应该是怎样的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. Rarely does the narrator comment on or explain a character's actions or thoughts or motives. There's only the barest minimum of dialogue.

作者极少评价或解释一个人物的行为,或思想或动机,文章中只有不能再直白的对话。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. Nonetheless, the Fed Governor suggested it does explain the lower levels of consumer spending.

FORBES: The Wealthiest 20% Own 72%; The Poorest 20% Only 3%

62. And try and explain to them why you think your program is doing what it's doing.

向别人解释你认为的程序作用,会给你带来很大帮助。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

63. He was forty years old. Over the years,historians and medical experts have tried to explain the cause of Poe's death.

VOA : special.2009.02.02

64. Differences in accounting standards often explain away some differences in valuation between U.S. and foreign stocks.

FORBES: Magazine Article

65. You need to explain the higher purpose of what everyone does day in and day out.

FORBES: The Silicon Valley Secret to Motivating Employees





mouthless的意思是:adj. 无孔的;无口的。学考宝为您提供mouthless是什么意思,mouthless翻译,mouthless短语搭配,mouthless权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


mouth的意思是:n. 嘴,口腔;需要供养的人,食客;入口,开口;入海口,河口;讲话方式,言谈;<非正式>饶舌,出言不逊;(受嚼子控制的)马口;(葡萄酒的不同于气味的)口感 v. 不出声地说,用口型默示;言不由衷地说,(自己并不明白却)信口开河;(清晰明确地)说,发……的音;吃,用嘴触碰;训练(马)使之习惯于服从嚼子 comb. 有……嘴的,……口的(-mouthed);言谈……的,口齿……的(-mouthed)。学考宝为您提供mouth是什么意思,mouth翻译,mouth短语搭配,mouth权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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browses的意思是:v. 浏览;(在计算机,尤指互联网上)搜寻信息,浏览信息;翻阅;(在商店里)随便看看。n. 浏览;吃草;放牧。browse的第三人称单数和复数。学考宝为您提供browses是什么意思,browses翻译,browses短语搭配,browses权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


mouse的意思是:n. 老鼠;鼠标;安静害羞的人;浅棕灰色,鼠皮色;<非正式>(尤指眼部或其附近的)青肿 v. (猫,猫头鹰)捕鼠;<非正式>用鼠标在计算机屏幕上移动光标。学考宝为您提供mouse是什么意思,mouse翻译,mouse短语搭配,mouse权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


predominately的意思是:adv. 占优势地;有影响力地;更大量地;占绝大多数地;主导性地;多数情况下(同 predominantly)。学考宝为您提供predominately是什么意思,predominately翻译,predominately短语搭配,predominately权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

pull cut翻译_pull cut短语搭配_pull cut权威例句

pull cut的意思是:拉切:一种切割技术,通过拉动刀具沿着材料进行切割,通常用于木材、纸张等材料的加工。。学考宝为您提供pull cut是什么意思,pull cut翻译,pull cut短语搭配,pull cut权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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mountain的意思是:n. 山,高山;许多,大量(a mountain/mountains of);(食物的)过剩,积压 【名】 (Mountain)(英)芒廷(人名)。学考宝为您提供mountain是什么意思,mountain翻译,mountain短语搭配,mountain权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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