莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




钱的英语作文15篇 第一篇

  Nowadays, a lot of people in society think the more money they have the more happiness they will obtain. As a result they will try their best to get money, even without considering the law.

  But in my view, the greatest happiness lies in one’s satisfaction with one’s surroundings. So long as we can look at things with a happy heart, we can be happy. It has nothing to do with a mount of money we have. Therefore, people shouldn’t pay too much attention money we have.

  On the contrary (相反地) what they should do is to put their money to good use and try to have an optimistic outlook all the time.

钱的英语作文15篇 第二篇

  I do not know who is fighting began to receive more or less pleased with the annual New Year's money when it does not take the new exercise books. The practice, kits, books, pens, etc. So far no study with friends waiting to buy new clothes, gloves, socks, hat show no card to buy flowers, poultry, cats and dogs not on the cinema, they seem to travel to the park or a rapidly flowing water solution misrepresent the tempo buy candy and other snacks, and Broke.

  Then buy a lot of absorbing contain various flavors of shrimp and other small guns to the bombing or the activities of things, It simply sounds loud even for the moon and star childhood hi too frightened to concentrate on the day of Yanmou innocent buy toy guns Dolly, photographs, puppets, pellets, Ball, Yo-yo…… curious moves for some time to soak it down so well satisfied deterioration. as though they were strangers in the ugly incomplete or buying a lottery The prizes always want the best of luck when it has yet to grow up like me, then pocket the money slip……

  The Xiaoshihou learn to play a New Year's money on the storage paper-box filled with the joy of your chest.

钱的英语作文15篇 第三篇

  The spring festival is the loveliest in China, which is comes in February. Everyone loves it so much that prepare lots of things of the spring festival before it comes. In the spring festival holiday, people do many things, such as eat the dinner on the New Year‘s, set off fireworks, stroll the famous fair likes “Baiyunguan” fair.


  On the first day of lunar, the young generation congratulates the old generation with “Happy New Year!”


  Then the old generation will give the young some lucky money which wrapped with red paper or red envelope. Because red is a color with joyful. Lucky money means the old generation‘s love to the young and hope them can have a good luck in this new year. This is the lucky money which lots of the young want.


钱的英语作文15篇 第四篇

  needless to say, money is not very important, but very very important。

  if there is no money, i can’t use this microphone to speak to you and we can’t have such a room to hold such a competition。 without money, we can’t study in such a schoolyard。 without money, we can’t live in such a hometown。 without money, we can’t have such a motherland。 on the other hand, if there is no money, you don’t need to bear my speech about money now。

  most of us have dreams about the future, dreams of having a good job and XXX much money。 surely someone has thought at times “if only i had a lot of money, i could be the happiest person in the world。” in fact it’s the main mistake that people make about money。

  however, is money the road to happiness? not really! many people work every day, work overtime, work weekends to make a lot of money。 are they happy? no。 they are too busy XXX money。 meanwhile, their personal lives, if they have any, fall apart。 they have no time to form or to maintain friendship。 they even lose the abilities to relax and to enjoy themselves。 enjoying means taking things, taking time to see, to hear, to taste, to smell, to feel。 they do not take time to do this。 they say: “i’ll do it when i have enough money to retire” then they find that it is too late。 why we usually make such a mistake and even more mistakes? activists say it is because of money itself。 they think money has changed many things。 for example, they think money has changed our way to measure someone’s value in the society。 they even regard money as the source of evil。 also, they hate money, but they are wrong, completely wrong。

  in my opinion, it is unfair to money。 money is a tool。 well, there’s no denying that we do something harmful with money。 but we can’t say money is the source of evil。 just like a hammer, we can use a hammer to kill someone, but can we say a hammer is a devil? it is the same with money。

  money is neither good nor bad itself。 it is a mirror, a perfect and important mirror, and a mirror that reflects both the darkness and the brilliance of humanity。 in other words, all depend on us。

  so, my fellow students, ladies and gentlemen in the future, ask not what we can do for money, ask what money can do for us, ask what money can do to show the brilliance of humanity。 because, we have the future; we are the future。




  我们大多数人都对未来的梦想,梦想有一个良好的工作和决策的钱。当然有人认为,有时“如果我有很多钱,我可能是最幸福的人在世界上。 ”事实上,它的主要错误,人们作出关于金钱。

  然而,就是金钱的道路上幸福吗?不是真的!很多人每天上班,加班,工作周末作出了很多钱。他们是幸福吗?第他们太忙着赚钱。与此同时,他们的个人生活,如果他们有任何,四分五裂。他们已经没有时间去形式或保持友谊。他们甚至失去了能力的放松和享受。享受意味着外,抽空看到,听到,品尝,嗅觉,感觉。他们并不需要时间来做到这一点。他们说: “我会做到这一点,我有足够的钱退休” ,然后他们发现为时已晚。为什么我们通常会提出这样的错误,甚至更多的错误?活动人士说,这是因为金钱本身。他们认为,金钱改变了很多东西。例如,他们认为金钱改变了我们的方法来衡量人的.价值在社会中。他们甚至把钱的来源邪恶。此外,他们憎恨金钱,但他们是错误的,完全错误的。




钱的英语作文15篇 第五篇

  Directions:For this part.You are to write 100~120 words.

  You have to write your composition based on the outline given below in Chinese below

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Can Money Buy Happiness? You should write no less than 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

  1.有人认为金钱是幸福之本(source of happiness);

  2.也有人认为金钱是万恶之源(root of all evils);


  Can Money Buy Happiness?

  Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness.

  But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evils. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money. And in Western countries, there is nothing that can't be bought with money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it.

  I think that money is essential to life and we cannot live a comfortable life without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can't buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. There{ore, al-though money is necessary for a happy life, it can't buy happiness.

钱的英语作文15篇 第六篇

  “What will you do if you have a lot of money?” This is a very complicated question. Perhaps some people want to buy an expensive car while some others want to buy a luxurious house. Or some people want to operate a company and so on. I also have my own attitude towards it.


  If I have a lot of money, I will publish an English book under my name. Maybe I will be famous someday, because everyone will know the fact that I'm good at English.


  If I have a lot of money, I will help my best friend to set up a training school. Since this is his greatest dream. If I can make his dream come true, I will be very honorable. I will let him be the boss, but I only want to be his assistant.


  If I have a lot of money, I will travel to various coast cities. As they are facing the sea, I can spend a wonderful time at the seaside. It is said that the seaside is so wonderful and beautiful. The sunrise is glorious at the seaside and surfing on the sea is very exciting. While facing the sea, I can enjoy endless pleasure. How charming it is while feeling the sea wind blowing to us. It's also wonderful to enjoy the beautiful sunshine on the golden beach.


  These are my beautiful dreams. Even though I find it a little difficult to fulfill my dreams, it doesn't matter, because where there is a will, there is a way. I believe I can realize my dreams through my great efforts.


钱的英语作文15篇 第七篇

  when you are rich, will you buy a lot of thinks? but if i have a lot of money, i will organize a gardening club and a stamp collecting club! why? because gardening and collecting stamps are my hobbies.

  gardening is an enjoyable hobby. many people like flowers, some people can grow some in their garden. they have fun working in their gardens. then they can enjoy the flesh flowers vegetables and fruit that they have grown. they will join the club to learn how to grow flowers better.

  many people like to collect things. collecting stamps is very fun. you can learn a lot about different countries of the world. in my stamp collecting club, you can see or get lots of beautiful stamps.

  if i have a lot of money, i must organize clubs! my clubs will help people garden well and collect more nice stamps. it will make me very happy. i will be proud when i help people.

钱的英语作文15篇 第八篇

  almost every day we see something in the papers about the latest exciting developments in the space race. photographs are regularly flashed to the earth from thousands and even millions of miles away. they are printed in our newspapers and shown on our television screens as a visible proof of man’s newest achievements. the photographs neatly sum up the results of these massive efforts to ‘conquer space’ and at the same time they expose the absurdity of the undertaking. all we can see is an indistinguishable blob which is supposed to represent a planet seen from several thousand miles away. we are going to end up with a little moon-dust and few stones which will be put behind glass in some museum. this is hardly value for money when you think that our own earth can provide countless sights which are infinitely more exciting and spectacular.

  the space race is not simply the objective search for knowledge it is often made out to be. it is just an extension of the race for power on earth. only the wealthiest nations can compete and they do so in the name of pure scientific research. but in reality, all they are interested in is power and prestige. they want to impress us, their spectators, with a magnificent show of strength. man has played the power game ever since he appeared on earth. now he is playing it as it has never been played before. the space race is just another aspect of the age-old argument that ‘might is right’.we are often told that technological know-how, acquired in attempting to get us into orbit, will be utilized to make life better on earth. but what has the space race done to relieve the suffering of the earth’s starving millions? in what way has it raised the standard of living of any one of us? as far as the layman is concerned, the practical results of all this expenditure of money and effort are negligible. thanks to space research, we can now see television pictures transmitted live half-way across the globe and the housewife can use non-stick frying-pans in the kitchen. the whole thing becomes utterly absurd when you think that no matter what problems man overcomes, it is unlikely that he will ever be able to travel even to the nearest star.

  poverty, hunger, disease and war are man’s greatest enemies and the world would be an infinitely better place if the powerful nations devoted half as much money and effort to these problems as they do to the space race. for the first time in his history, man has the overwhelming technological resources to combat human suffering, yet he squanders them on meaningless pursuits.

  if a man deprived himself and his family of food in order to buy and run a car, we would consider him mad. individuals with limited budgets usually get their priorities right: they provide themselves with necessities before trying to obtain luxuries. why can’t great nations act in the same sensible way? let us put our house in order first and let space look after itself.

钱的英语作文15篇 第九篇

  Lucky money

  The spring festival is the loveliest in China, which is comes in February. Everyone loves it so much that prepare lots of things of the spring festival before it comes. In the spring festival holiday, people do many things, such as eat the dinner on the New Year‘s, set off fireworks, stroll the famous fair likes “Baiyunguan” fair. Especially for some children or teenager is “lucky money”。

  On the first day of lunar, the young generation congratulates the old generation with “Happy New Year!”

  Then the old generation will give the young some lucky money which wrapped with red paper or red envelope. Because red is a color with joyful. Lucky money means the old generation‘s love to the young and hope them can have a good luck in this new year. this is the lucky money which lots of the young want.

钱的英语作文15篇 第十篇

  “moeny is not everything, but the life without it is nothing." this sentence is better not to be undervalued for the first part of it was viewed hypocritical and the secondphilistine. when put together, it involves arguable logics that are full of contemporary wisdom. money could bring stereo system of the highest quality but not the music; the most expensive jewel but not the love; the whole library but not the knowledge; and medication of the most rare but not the health. felicity is not related to the ways of lives. Health is a fortune in the eyes of a patient; peace is a fortune in the eyes of sufferers; happiness is merely a half-breeded creature in a smooth life. one would not appreciate the warmth and comfort if not having to wonder in a snow storm; no fulfilment follows those who do not experience hunger; and without the ought most experiencial journey, comes no real enlightenment. happiness continued to change as we look back, initial pains could result in happiness today, and the happiness today could be a melancholy as time passes. felicity could not be expressed verbally. upon possesion, we cheer over it, and when it arrives, we usually embrace it with teary eyes. in this world, happiness is communicable but felicity dims. it is the most wonderous bait God has ever bestowed. without its presence, you are lost in a reverie, and upon possesion, you felt blank. when the wise found out its truth, they defined fecility as to forever persue, and unfortunate being luxuriate and possessed. if fecility is a magnet, then life an iorn. the truth of life philosophers and poets search is merely a happiness each and everyone seeks. we live stubbornly for the sweetness in love; wholeness in marriages; and successes in careers to realise the fecility they bring to us.

钱的英语作文15篇 第十一篇

  Every year, when the new year is coming, I will be very happy, because I can receive lucky money from my relatives, so that I can have a lot of money and buy the things I want.

  My mother always saves part of my lucky money, she promises to return it back to me when I grow up. Thus, with the rest of the money, I will buy some books I like, such as the novel books. These books bring me a bigger world.

  I can explore the world and gain a lot of knowledge. Sometimes I will use these money to buy a lot of delicious food with my friends. We feel so happy to taste it.




钱的英语作文15篇 第十二篇

  Every year,when the new year is coming,I will be very happy,because I can receive lucky money from my relatives,so that I can have a lot of money and buy the things I want.

  My mother always saves part of my lucky money,she promises to return it back to me when I grow up. Thus,with the rest of the money,I will buy some books I like,such as the novel books.

  These books bring me a bigger world. I can explore the world and gain a lot of knowledge. Sometimes I will use these money to buy a lot of delicious food with my friends. We feel so happy to taste it.

钱的英语作文15篇 第十三篇

  With the development of technology, now people’s life has become very convenient. They can just take a smart phone at hand and then all the bills can be paid by it. More young people choose to use credit card and spend money ahead. This act can be advocated to some degree.


  For the people who have secure job is good for them to spend tomorrow’s money. With money, they can improve their life standard. Such as paying the house every month, or buying some products that make them happy. The meaning of money is to make life better, otherwise it is just the paper.


  While for some people who has low income, they need to be careful. Once they spend too much money ahead, it can be a great burden for them to pay off. Some girls lose minds when they see the number that they can pay, then they live hard life in the long time, just to pay off the debt.


  Credit card is convenient. People can live a better life, only if their income supports them to pay off slowly. Spending tomorrow’s money is a good choice sometimes.


钱的英语作文15篇 第十四篇

  我的利是钱 My Lucky Money

  The sheep year has coming, as a child, I love the first day of the year so much, because I can get a lot of money. When I see the elder, I say some good words to them, then they will give the lucky to me money in return. I meet a lot of elder in a day, so I get much money, it is a satisfied day for me.


钱的英语作文15篇 第十五篇

  money is not very important, but very very important.

  however, is money the road to happiness? not really! many people work every day,work overtime, work weekends to make a lot of money. are they happy? no. they are too busy making money. meanwhile, their personal lives, if they have any, fall apart.

  they have no time to form or to maintain friendship. they even lose the abilitie to relax and to enjoy themselves. enjoying means taking things, taking time to see,to hear, to taste, to smell, to feel. they do not take time to do this. they say:i’ll do it when i have enough money to retire” then they find that it is too lat





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