莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [fɪks]play美 [fɪks]play

  • v. 修理,维修;确定(时间、地点、价格等);安排,组织;处理,解决(问题等);固定,安装;使(目光、注意力或思想)集中于;牢记,铭记;把(枪、相机、雷达)瞄准;操纵,作弊;梳洗,整理;整容,矫正(牙齿);提供,准备(饮食等);<非正式>惩罚,收拾;固着(颜色),定(影);<美>阉割(动物);<非正式>介绍对象;<俚>注射毒品
  • n. 解决方案(或措施);窘境,困境;(毒品或致瘾物的)一次用量;方位确定,定位;理解,了解;受操纵的事,勾当
  • 【名】 (Fix)(美)菲克斯(人名)

复数 fixes 第三人称单数 fixes 现在分词 fixing 过去式 fixed 过去分词 fixed

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



  • adj.

    fixed 固执的;<美口>处境...的;准备好的;确定的

    fixative 固定的;定色的;防挥发的

  • adv.

    fixedly 固定地;不动,不变

  • n.

    fixture 设备;固定装置;固定于某处不大可能移动之物

    fixation 固定;定位;定影

    fixing 固定;安装;设备;修理

    fixer 固定器;[摄] 定影剂;毒贩子;调停者

    fixative 固定剂;[助剂] 定色剂;定影剂

    fixity 固定性,不变性;固定物

    fixedness 固定;稳固;不变

  • v.

    fixing 固定(fix的现在分词)

  • vi.

    fixate 注视;固定下来

  • vt.

    fixate 注视…;使固定



mend fix patch repair 【导航词义:修补,修理】

mend v. 修补;[英] 修理

〔辨析〕 多指缝补衣服,有时也指修理破损或有毛病的物件。

例1: My mother used to mend my shoes when I was young.


例2: When are you going to mend my bike?


例3: Dad can mend any broken toy.


fix v. 修理

〔辨析〕 指修理破损的或不能正常工作的东西。

例1: He fixed my old computer.


例2: Could you fix the brakes on the car?


patch v. 修补,缝补

〔辨析〕 常指修补某物的破洞或被磨损的地方。

例1: She is learning how to patch clothes.


例2: He is wearing a patched pair of jeans.


repair v. 修理,修补

〔辨析〕 普通用词,指修理任何破损或有毛病的东西,如衣服、机器等。

例1: Who repaired her old furniture?


例2: It cost him 12 dollars to get his shoes repaired.



1. Fix Image 限度图像 ; 限制 ; 制约图像

2. Quick fix 速战速决 ; 快速修复 ; 权宜之计 ; 锦囊妙句

3. fix in with 适应 ; 适合 ; 符合

4. hot fix 热修复

5. fix on 确定;固定;使集中于

6. Photo fix 图片调较功能 ; 图片调较 ; 图片调较功效 ; 照片修复

7. fix someone up 撮合某人

8. Fix Permissions 修复权限 ; 固这权限 ; 权限修复 ; 不知道修复什么权限

9. fix up 修理;解决;改进;为…作好安排;商妥

10. to fix 定影 ; 确定 ; 修理 ; 规定

11. in a fix [美国英语]进退两难,处境艰难,陷于困境

12. quick fix 权宜之计

13. fix position n. 定位;实测船位

14. fix attention on 集中注意力于

15. fix one's eyes on 注意;凝视

16. fix a date 确定日期,约期

17. out of fix [美国英语]心情不好;身体不好;已损坏的,需要修理的

18. get a fix on [口语](用雷达、声纳等电子装置)探测远距离物体的方位,(用雷达、声纳等电子装置)定出(某物的)位置

19. Fix You 牢记你 ; 填满你的心 ; 惩罚你 ; 因彻司·派克逊


1. Her promotion was a fix, I'm sure!


2. Let's have the house fixed up.


3. The PR man suggested that I might benefit from getting my teeth fixed...


4. Her soft brown eyes fixed on Kelly...


5. He fixed me with a lopsided grin.


6. We know also stay for seven years, a fixed residence and employment, home run.

目前我们所知道的也是暂住七年, 有固定住所和职业, 可办入户.《期刊摘选》

7. Tighten locknut 1 to fix the thread stand.


8. He is fixing to go hunting.


9. Many of those changes could just be a temporary fix.


10. Keep your eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead.


11. PVA film fixed cell is a new cell fixing method.


12. The car won't start─can you fix it?


13. Letting go is not to fix; but to be supportive.

“放手”并不是修理; 而是支持.《期刊摘选》

14. Objective : To evaluate the effectiveness of segmental arch technique in fixing replanted traumatically avulsed permanent teeth.

目的: 评价正畸片段弓技术应用于固定外伤脱位再植牙的效果.《期刊摘选》

15. How are you fixed for cash?


16. I want to have my radio fix.


17. I'll fix you up with a place to stay.


18. We'll fix him up with a tie...


19. Give him a hand; he is in a bad fix.

拉他一把吧, 他已陷入了困境.《期刊摘选》

20. They managed to get a fix on the yacht's position.


21. Membrane electrode in its compression between two fixed electrodes to form two capacitors.


22. Compromise a fixed width page to fit the most frequently expected screen size.


23. I'll ask them to send someone out straightaway to fix the car.


24. Let me fix you a drink!


25. I tried to fix the equipment but I failed.


26. They're charging an exorbitant price for fixing the car, but they've got us over a barrel because we can't do without it.

他们修理这部汽车索价太高, 但我们被逼得只好听其摆布,因为我们不能没有汽车.《简明英汉词典》

27. She bustled around and fixed herself a quiet supper, then curled up with a book in bed.

她为自己匆匆地准备了一顿清谈的晚餐, 然后蜷缩在床上看起书来.《期刊摘选》

28. We areto fix the broken machine.


29. Can I fix you a drink?


30. B: I fix up bikes and give them away.


31. She is fixing breakfast.


32. I'll fix my hair and then I'll be ready.


33. And she once helped us to fix the television antenna.


34. to fix a shelf to the wall


35. In such a mode, every channel is a stream tube fixed in space.

在这样的模型里, 每根管子都是固定在空间上的一个流管.《辞典例句》

36. The better question may be whether Greenspan's very success has gotten him into this fix.


37. Let me fix supper for you.


38. Most blinds can be fixed directly to the top of the window-frame...


39. Why do length a PCR product is fixed?

为什么PCR长度是固定的? )请大家帮忙啊!《期刊摘选》

40. There is no quick fix to deal with the billions in unfunded liabilities.


41. One must, at times trust God to fix up what one has messed up.


42. We needed someone to fix the tape recorder.


43. She is fixing to go skating.


44. I'll fix Patrick a plate of scraps from the table.


45. During your computer classes, did they teach you how to fix a cooling fan?

在你的电脑课程中, 他们是否教过你如何修理散热风扇?《期刊摘选》

46. The satellite fixes positions by making repeated observations of each star.


47. To review and follow the application on fixed assets disposal, idle impairment provision.

检查并跟进固定资产处置, 呆帐准备等相关申请.《期刊摘选》

48. Can I fix a drink for you?


49. I've fixed up to go to the theatre next week.


50. Most agree that the solution is to push doctors to accept fixed payments to care for a particular illness or for a patient’s needs over a year.

大多数专家都认为,解决办法是推动医生接受针对某一病症或单一患者的诊疗需求的固定年度诊疗费。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

51. It took him a little time to fix th.


52. They fixed the rent at £ 100 a week.


53. Amy watched the child's intent face eagerly, trying to fix it in her mind.


54. She called a cab, fixed her face, and scrawled a hasty note to Brian.


55. She fixes her steel-blue eyes on an unsuspecting local official...


56. The helpless ones believe intelligence is a  fixed characteristic: you have only a certain amount, and that’s  that.

那些无助型的学生认为智力是一个固定的特征:你的智力是有确定数额的,有多少就是多少。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

57. The bug showing multiple nomad invasions warn has been fixed.


58. Could televisions fix themselves?


59. I'll have a go at fixing it tonight.


60. The date of the election was fixed...


61. I believe in the maxim "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."


62. Metals hard seals fixed ball valve's scope of product sees the next table.


63. A corresponding button is fixed on the end of the arrow angle of the decorating strip.


64. As a general rule prices are fixed, so don't try bargaining for anything.

一般来说,价格是固定不变的, 所以都用不着讨价还价.《期刊摘选》

65. The US crew fixed its radar on the Turkish ship...


66. I'm sure the race was fixed.


67. Mom just fixed dinner for us.


68. The mechanics of fixing a car are very long.


69. He cannot fix the electricity.


70. Bottleneck fixed rate mortgage is subject to three to be relocated away from us?


71. He got himself into a bad fix.


72. The car won't start—can you fix it?


73. If something is broken, we get it fixed.


74. In the euro zone, most are based on a fixed rate.

而在欧元区, 大多数按揭贷款的利率是固定的.《期刊摘选》

75. After being fixed, these files can be dragged at your will.

后固定, 这些文件可以被拖进在您的意愿.《期刊摘选》

76. Throughout the South, most of the cotton planters were in the same fix.

在整个南方, 大多数的棉花种植主都处于相同的困境.《飘(部分)》

77. My attempt to fix it sent Lawrence into fits of laughter.


78. Fix your attention on the practicalities of financing your schemes...


79. It took him a little time to fix that.


80. She fixed us a snack.


81. The government has really got itself into a fix.


82. He cannot fix the electricity...


83. He greeted all his guests with a fixed smile on his face.


84. I still wonder whether we need to stick the edge of the blow molding for fixing.


85. He prepares to go mad with fixed rules and methods.


86. Did you fix the gutter?


87. Today, Americans are finding their own tips and tricks for fixing malfunctioning devices with supplies as simple as paper and glue

如今,美国人在找寻他们自己的妙招窍门,用像纸和胶水这样简单的东西修理发生故障的装置。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

88. I think I can fix this fence with a couple of nails.


89. It's difficult to pin her down to fixing a date for a meeting.


90. I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill.


91. My parents had fixed ideas about what I should become.


92. Paper ink absorption is too large or too small are imprinted fixing fastness.


93. I'll try to fix it ─ but it's not trivial.


94. He had not been able to fix his position...


95. If the solution to a squeaky hinge is cheap, fix it immediately.

解决这些恼人副作用的成本是很便宜的, 马上动手修理.《期刊摘选》

96. He's just fixing a snack.


97. I'll fix supper.


98. Paper on ink absorption is too large or too small are imprinted fixing fastness.


99. The money has been invested for a fixed period.


100. I need a fix of coffee before I can face the day.


101. If he is concurrently employed by his client to perform daily work with fixed salary.


102. I've fixed the problem.


103. I'll fix a meeting.


104. They fixed up the house before they moved in.


105. Don't worry—I'll fix him.


106. Let me fix you a drink...


107. The signal goes on sounding at fixed intervals.


108. He got into a terrible fix.


109. The salary will be fixed according to qualifications and experience.


110. You have to fix visits up in advance with the museum.


111. I think we've made reservations. Have you fixed them?

我想我们已预定了房间, 你们准备好了 吧 ?《期刊摘选》

112. It is fixed on the wall...


113. Attention is fixed on the stock market...


114. He took her hand and fixed her with a look of deep concern...


115. The surprise attack put me in a fix.


116. to fix a post in the ground


117. 'I've got to fix my hair,' I said and retreated to my bedroom...


118. His eyes were fixed on a small house in the middle distance.


119. Not to worry—I can soon fix it.


120. Find a printing plate moving or backing, adjust the printing plate and backing back fixed.

发现印版移动或衬垫物移位, 及时调整,把印版和衬垫物放回原位固定.《期刊摘选》

121. Their prices are fixed until the end of the year (= will not change before then) .


122. That desk is fixed, don't try to move it.

那张桌子是固定的, 别去移动它.《期刊摘选》

123. Would you like me to fix some coffee?


124. By the time he'd fixed the leak, I was into him for$ 500.


125. Don't worry, I'll fix it with Sarah.


126. I've fixed it for you to see Bonnie Lachlan...


127. It's been hard to get a steady fix on what's going on.


128. It's fixed. He's going to meet us at the airport...


129. Are the working hours fixed?

工作时间固定 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

130. I am fixing to go out.

我正准备出门. (美国南部的习惯说法)《期刊摘选》

131. He's going to fix a time when I can see him...


132. It's all a fix, a deal they've made.


133. We need to fix a date for the next meeting.


134. Leonard was now fixed in his mind...


135. Could you fix it or give me a refund?

请你给我修理或给我退钱好 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

136. The government has really got itself into a fix...


137. We've got ourselves in a fix about this.


138. If I run into a fix, I'll let you know.

如果我陷入了困境, 我会告诉您的.《期刊摘选》

139. Mother is fixing breakfast for the whole family.


140. The actual operation of difficulty carrying value preparation to the fixed assets meter is big.


141. Function: mobile phones and fixed telephone area code attribution to inquiries.

功能: 移动电话和固定电话区号归属地查询.《期刊摘选》

142. We had to stop to fix a flat.


143. At present, nearly 5 % to 30 % of the investment in fixed assets by way of leasing.


144. He was in a fix...


145. Push the trimmer slide key upwards until it is fixed , then run the shaver.

把修剪的滑面刀片按键推上, 待安装固定后开始剃须.《期刊摘选》

146. Not to worry ─ I can soon fix it.


147. Fixing a 40-year-old wrong does not mean, however, that history can be undone.


148. Has the date of the next meeting been fixed?


149. They send a service engineer to fix the disk drive.


150. A current account or a fixed account?


151. The builder gave an approximate cost for fixing the roof.


152. I buy you lunch and you fix my computer. Is that a fair exchange ?


153. They're sending an engineer to fix the phone.


154. She went in to fix the sparse evening meal.


155. Sarah fixed some food for us...


156. This lawsuit ran him into a fix.


157. Watts Model ETA Tanks are ASME fixed bladder type pre charged expansion tanks.

美国瓦茨型号ETA膨胀罐是符合ASME( 美国机械工程师协会)要求的固定内胆式预充气膨胀罐.《期刊摘选》

158. There is no quick fix for the steel industry.


159. Can the garageman fix over the engine?

那位汽车修理工能把这台发动机修好 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

160. We'll fix him up with a tie.


161. He expected his dad to fix broken things and give advice.


162. My boss had a stock response – "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"


163. Give him a hand; he is in a fix.

“帮”他“一”把吧, 他已陷入了困境.《期刊摘选》

164. What is important is that Coke to fix its dysfunctional organisation, and appears to do more.

重要的是可口可乐继续整顿其功能失调的组织结构, 而且似乎准备采取更多动作.《期刊摘选》

165. Both are blessed with an uncommon ability to fix things.


166. We can fix the ship's exact position at the time the fire broke out.


167. They know how to fix their cars.


168. He was in a fix.


169. Get yourself fixed up. See the city.

先安定下来, 在城里看看.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

170. She was fixing lunch for children.


171. Don't worry ─ I'll fix him.


172. I wonder if Tom ever had his teeth fixed anywhere else.


173. Let me fix you a drink.


174. The car won't start ─ can you fix it?


175. The next morning, Grandpa fixed breakfast for the two of us.

第二天早晨, 外公为我们俩准备了早餐.《期刊摘选》

176. The bore of the gun remained fixed on me.


177. I'm glad my watch works now; I was flying blind when I fixed it.

表现在走了, 我很高兴.我修理时全是瞎碰的.《期刊摘选》

178. It's not too late to fix the problem, although time is clearly getting short...


179. He's going to fix a time when I can see him.


180. There are no fixed and formal institutions that the police could easily throttle.


181. Harry tried to fix the chair, but he was all thumbs.

哈里想修理那把椅子, 可他笨手笨脚的.《简明英汉词典》


1. It probably comes from an expression used for many years by people who fix parts of cars and trucks.

VOA : special.2009.11.29

2. It's not too late to fix the problem.


3. At the same time, provincial governments intervened to fix the wholesale price at which millers sell.

FORBES: Companies, People, Ideas

4. A mordant helps fix the dye to the material.

VOA : special.2010.08.02

5. One traditional fix is tariffs and subsidies, which can offset an uncompetitive exchange rate.

ECONOMIST: Petri-dish economies

6. "We don't yet have a system of protecting what we fix, " says project chief Mumm.

FORBES: Magazine Article

7. He'll do anything for a fix.


8. However, while the site is undergoing its mega-expansion, its 650, 000 annual visitors can still get their culture fix.

BBC: In San Francisco, modern art abounds

9. But the trust's chief executive Sue Holden told BBC News that there was no quick fix.

BBC: Government to plant 250,000 trees to beat ash dieback

10. In what other industry can the biggest suppliers collude and fix prices with impunity?

FORBES: Bumbling Bernanke Bamboozled By Broken Bounce-back

11. And depending on the mood I'm in, I either congratulate them, or I say ah, you screwed up, huh? Then you had to fix it.

看起来他们挺为这事儿自豪的,我的回应得看我的情绪怎么样了,我可能会庆祝他们或者说,啊,你搞砸了。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

12. And the intervention is not a quick fix, overnight change,"we can" seminar-- five-year intervention.

干预不是快速修复,不是能一夜改变的,他们实行五年干预。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

13. An average contractor can at least fix your stoop, but an average money manager is worthless.

FORBES: Amateur Hour

14. But when only a few states acted, the IRS tried to "fix" the law.

CNN: Obamacare at the Supreme Court in less than three minutes

15. You are the 128th's column, you're the 64's, 32's, 16's, 8's, and we're gonna have to fix this slightly in a moment.

你是第128位,你是第64位,32位,16位,8位,我们一会儿要固定下顺序。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

16. "Oh,yes." "Well,we get on the job right away. And in one hour, even less than one hour, we lose the fix.

VOA : special.2009.07.19

17. This legislation will not fix everything that ails our health care system.

VOA : special.2010.03.26

18. Each fix took weeks to craft and would have to be redone for any software upgrades.

FORBES: Return of Dave

19. So to fix this, we focused on slowing the company down and learning our unit economics.

FORBES: An Interview with Dan Rosensweig of Chegg

20. And we were talking about how he wants to find ways to sort of fix and make better the,

我们谈论的是,他想用什么样的方式来提高教育,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 优秀的MBA人们

21. re now, gong to try to fix those mistakes and work with other nations to put ourselves back on track.

但是,现在我们想要改正这些错误,But,,we’,想和其他国家合作,让自己重归正道。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

22. "We had to look around for another company that could actually fix the problem, " he explained.

BBC: South Yorkshire fire trucks used after five years

23. And similar is a leader, sometimes you don' t have all the information that you want, you've gotta be willing to say " i am gonna go with the best information that i have" i am gonna make the best decision that i can and if we were wrong, we admit it, and we fix it, but we won't just stand there.

同样,作为一名领导者,有时你无法取得,所有的相关信息,你要愿意主动地说,“我将最大可能地,利用手上的资料来工作”,“我要做出自己能够做出的最好的决定”,如果我们犯了错,就虚心承认而且设法改正,但我们不会袖手旁观。领导能力简介课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

24. Munos also showed that mergers-- endemic in the industry--don't fix productivity and may actually hurt it.

FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

25. Compromise is a doubtful way to fix a limit, though a common one among politicians.


26. While his father was gone, he learned to fix leaky plumbing in the house.

CNN: When a parent goes to war, military kids grow up fast

27. But if most people who are good borrowers, who know what they're doing, want these, they want a conventional thirty-year mortgage because it will fix a mortgage payment for the rest of the thirty years and you have nothing to worry about.

但是如果大多数人是优质借款人,他们知道自己在做什么,他们会选择普通30年期抵押贷款,因为在剩余的30年时间里,抵押贷款的偿付是固定的,你不需要为它担心金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. There is no quick fix.


29. Leaders of the major developed and developing economies discussed ways to fix the world financial system.

VOA : special.2009.10.02

30. The Italian government is trying to fix the problem with the construction of a seven billion dollar system of moving flood barriers.

VOA : special.2009.04.22

31. Absent a doc fix, many more physicians would surely join them on the sidelines.

FORBES: Forget The Doctor Fix, We Need A Medicare Fix

32. Ben decided to take the bird home and fix its broken wings so that it could fly again.

VOA : special.2010.03.20

33. And Jeffrey Olson says federal stimulus money this year has made it possible to fix roads and complete maintenance projects.

VOA : special.2009.09.28

34. But Germany's focus on discipline is arguably an attempt to fix a democratic deficit.

ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

35. R is going to be a fix number R times You don't know what it is right now.

等于一个常数 R 乘以,你现在还不知道它是多少基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. Technicians join him on stage to fix the robot instruments when anything goes wrong.

VOA : special.2010.03.12

37. The server's administrator had made a common mistake for which there was a common fix.

FORBES: The Lawyer Hackers Call

38. "We're not there to fix them. So will they get into trouble after they've done this program?

VOA : special.2010.06.03

39. What kind of things do you want to fix or improve if you become a lawyer?

要是成为了一名律师,你最想改进哪些方面?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 要学习环境法

40. The battery fix included a team of Boeing battery engineers and experts from outside the company.

CNN: Can the 'game-changer' still live up to its name?

41. To help fix the world, you can collaborate to eradicate inequality in your own community.

FORBES: What Happens When You Tap Into The Potential Of Girls And Women

42. Your products always solve a pain that your customers have the money to fix.

FORBES: Does Your Company Have Promise?

43. We came all the way here for a cosmetic surgery that won't fix anything?


44. You don't need this hack of just, like, manually adding a decimal point just to fix that problem.

你不需要这样来操作,比如,手动地加入小数点来修正这个错误。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

45. But it is a start to fix a very big problem in this country.

FORBES: A Great Example Of Why Everyone Should Have Health Coverage

46. When this happens, the heart attempts to fix the situation by beating harder and faster.

VOA : special.2009.07.14

47. These are not names that Plato gives, but it will make it easy for us to get a fix, roughly, on the different arguments as we move from one to the next.

这些名字不是柏拉图起的,但是这能方便我们,在逐一推进的时候粗略地了解一下,这些不同论证的定义死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. Here's an easy fix: Drive a bit less, shop on the Internet and forget about it.

FORBES: Magazine Article

49. So let's, in order to fix ideas for this discussion, take an actual example.

为了进一步限定讨论的话题,我们举个真实的例子。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. Another much-debated fix: tiny clumps of polymer lodged in the esophagus to quell heartburn.

FORBES: Magazine Article

51. GalleyCat then published about how to fix things on Twitter with some creative ideas.

FORBES: False White House Scare Thanks To Hacked AP Twitter Account Feed

52. Stalin had so many agents placed in Madrid and Barcelona that the fix was in.

FORBES: There Must Be Moscow Gold

53. It means that we supplement our diets with all sorts of things to fix perceived deficits in this mineral, in this vitamin, in this thing that somebody tells us is good for us.

也就是说,我们只要听说哪些是有益的,就用各种各样的东西来进补,这种矿物质,那种维生素,诸如此类关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. I don't understand why you'd want to take a pill to fix something that we know little about.

我不明白为什么你会愿意吃药片来治好一些我们甚至都不清楚的毛病。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 对付压力的方法

55. This chemical will fix the painted image into the stone.

VOA : special.2009.09.02

56. I need my daily fix of coffee.


57. The similes are continually working to unleash -and they're really quite unruly in this respect -to unleash the moral and the theological confusion that so much of the rest of the poem seems really quite eager to pin down and to fix.

这里的比喻不断的想要解脱束缚,-它们从这个方面来看也的确不受什么束缚,-解脱道德上和理论上的混乱无序,这首诗的剩余部分都显得急切于,下定论进行弥补。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. Did you fix the gutter?


59. As a liberal Obama had a unique opportunity to fix this liberal program gone wild.

FORBES: How Democrats Learned to Love the Health Insurance Mandate

60. Coming up with a plan to fix the banks and the financial system is now the job for Tim Geithner.

VOA : special.2009.01.30

61. If it is necessary to borrow some money to fix the car, you should look for a friend who is an "easy touch".

VOA : special.2009.06.07

62. "We'll be tightly focused on FIX" in the Black Hat talk, entitled "Hacking Capitalism, " Goldsmith says.

FORBES: Magazine Article

63. "I think we're going to be able to fix it, " the Democratic president said.

BBC: Obama tries to tame political tempests

64. That's something we've mentioned already three weeks ago, two weeks ago, we're going to take that fix now, we're going to assume you know who these candidates are.

我们在三周或两周前已经提到过,现在来讲一下这种情况,我们假设你们知道这些候选人是谁博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

65. Unlike Apple, U.S. lawmakers have the power to fix our broken corporate tax system.

CNN: Don't blame Apple; blame the tax code




annual budget翻译_annual budget短语搭配_annual budget权威例句

annual budget的意思是:年度预算:指一个组织、公司或个人在一年内计划和分配的财务资源。。学考宝为您提供annual budget是什么意思,annual budget翻译,annual budget短语搭配,annual budget权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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nature的意思是:n. 大自然,自然界;性格,秉性;本质,特点;类型,种类;<古>具有某种特性的人 【名】 (Nature)(法)纳蒂尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供nature是什么意思,nature翻译,nature短语搭配,nature权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


unrestrained的意思是:adj. 自然的;无限制的;放纵的。学考宝为您提供unrestrained是什么意思,unrestrained翻译,unrestrained短语搭配,unrestrained权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


naturalistic的意思是:adj. 自然的;自然主义的;博物学的。学考宝为您提供naturalistic是什么意思,naturalistic翻译,naturalistic短语搭配,naturalistic权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


natural的意思是:adj. 天然的,非人为的;合理的,意料之中的;天生的,本能的;不做作的,真实的;亲生的;<旧>私生的;符合是非判断的;自然科学的;本位音的;(织物)原色的,本白色的;(铜管乐器)无键(或孔)的;(与)泛音列音符和间隔(有关)的;(桥牌)(叫牌)实叫的;(基督教神学)物质世界的,非精神的 n. 有天赋的人;适合人选;本位音;白键;(纸牌、掷骰子中)最好的组合;天然鱼饵;白痴 【名】 (Natural)(西)纳图拉尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供natural是什么意思,natural翻译,natural短语搭配,natural权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

a kick in the pants翻译_a kick in the pants短语搭配_a kick in the pants权威例句

a kick in the pants的意思是:网络 非难。学考宝为您提供a kick in the pants是什么意思,a kick in the pants翻译,a kick in the pants短语搭配,a kick in the pants权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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nativism的意思是:n. 先天论;本土主义。学考宝为您提供nativism是什么意思,nativism翻译,nativism短语搭配,nativism权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
