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dumb /dʌm/ CET4 TEM4 [ dumbing dumbed dumber dumbs dumbest ]

  • 1.
    形容词 Someone who is dumb is completely unable to speak. 哑的

    ...a young deaf and dumb man.


  • 2.
    形容词 If someone is dumb on a particular occasion, they cannot speak because they are angry, shocked, or surprised. 说不出话的

    We were all struck dumb for a minute.


  • 3.
    形容词 If you call a person dumb, you mean that they are stupid or foolish. 蠢的

    The questions were set up to make her look dumb.


  • 4.
    形容词 If you say that something is dumb, you think that it is silly and annoying. 愚蠢而恼人的

    I came up with this dumb idea.



1. dumb waiter n. 小型送货升降机;送菜升降机,餐用升降机

2. dumbed down 当机

3. dumbed-down 笨下去

4. deaf and dumb 聋哑的,又聋又哑


1. You can have a courage based on a dumbed idea or mistake.


2. In effect, Web 2.0 software components can be intentionally dumbed down because they don't have to contain compile-time management software.

实际上,可以对Web 2.0软件组件进行有意识地简化,因为它们不一定包含编译时的管理软件。

3. This country sure has dumbed down in at last hundred years.


4. Boy, this country sure has dumbed down in the last hundred years.


5. In an age when movie dialogue is dumbed and slowed down to suit slow-wits in the audience, the dialogue here has the velocity and snap of screwball comedy.


6. Or cheated by a dumbed-down exam system?


7. The sight of his former wife dumbed the words in his mouth.


8. Humphys' book laments the growth of "cliched, dumbed-down, inflated and bogus management-speak" which he says now passes for English.


9. A dumbed-down logic is not logic at all.


10. One answer is that making hard choices openly would provoke complaints that the curriculum was being dumbed down.


11. Some of the games are too dumbed down, and set up processes can be a bore.


12. Psychologists and sociologists, with their dumbed-down, simplistic models, seem especially incompetent at understanding our nature.


13. Potions - dumbed down ( on the Oblivion quick - jump scale ) so dumb people can play.

potions-dumbed下来 ( 关于遗忘快速跳转规模 ),使哑的人可以发挥.《互联网》

14. But language experts say that no matter how dumbed down the techno shorthand looks, the wordplay has a positive impact on students' spelling smarts.


15. If you believe that you have been dumbed down by society, don't let it get to you.


16. In the process they offer compelling evidence for the thesis that public exams, such as the GCSEs taken at 16, have been dumbed down.


17. I'm dumbed . only thing i can do and also the thing i wanna do is just writing some meaningless articles here. just try to practice my e-writing stuff.


18. Using scanners, they monitored the brain activity of volunteers as they read pieces of classical English literature both in their original form and in a more dumbed-down, modern translation.


19. Like a really dumbed-down Battle School.


20. The BBC denies that its broadcasting has been dumbed down.


21. The program runs a speed test to provide you with a few nicely shaded graphs and a dumbed down conclusion, stating whether your connection is worthy of web surfing or music or video streaming.


22. Differentiation is not something to be feared, dumbed down or politicized, but instead needs to be understood and implemented.


23. The new Zoho Chat 2.0 is no dumbed-down client.



1. As for the backlash against dumbed-down electronic dance music, that is now out in the open.

WSJ: The New Promise of South by Southwest | By Jim Fusilli

2. Part of my national vanity is wounded by the fact that, according to the best research VW can muster, the car that fits Americans best is a dumbed-down, consumerized lard container.

WSJ: 2012 Volkswagen Passat 2.5 SEL Review: Cost-Cutting Done (a Little More) Right | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil

3. Promise has purposely dumbed down this particular 1TB or 2TB NAS to make it suitable for use in any home where a "zero configuration" storage and media streamer is the priority.

ENGADGET: Promise's SmartStor Zero NAS streamer dumbs down DLNA for the iPad (hands-on)

4. Some may think a master's degree offers so much more than a dumbed-down undergraduate degree.

ECONOMIST: Education economics

5. Critics lambast 30 second commercials as simplistic and dumbed down.

FORBES: More Campaign Spending Will Strengthen Our Democracy

6. All in the name of streamlining and making things easier, when the reality is more as we say DUMBED DOWN.

FORBES: 'Diablo III' Coming To PS3 And PS4

7. And the money should be used for serious upgrades to the network, not dumbed-down information systems that tell passengers what they already know.

ECONOMIST: Roads and rail

8. He has been formally advised by the Pentagon that continued adherence to it has required developmental tests to be curtailed, dumbed-down or otherwise made less useful than they could, and should, be.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Hail to the Chief: George W. Bush Demonstrates Couragerous, Visionary Leadership again by Jettisoning A.B.M. Treaty

9. And even the iPhone has been dumbed down for the U.S. market.

FORBES: Why Your Smart Phone Is So Stupid

10. From Moore's first film Live and Let Die in 1973, violent death was dumbed down.

BBC: The many faces of Bond

11. I'm talking about promoting Shariah, albeit in a somewhat homogenized, dumbed-down way.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Frank Gaffney: Jihad by other means

12. That growing success, naturally enough, brings the accusation that literary festivals have dumbed down.

ECONOMIST: Dumbed-down Britain? You would be stupid to believe it

13. Margins squeezed, costs rising rapidly, brands dumbed down and stock prices unexciting.

FORBES: How Telcos Can Contend With Cloud-Based Computing

14. Finally, just as a bonus, if Goldman is not about appareances or lies why do you choose to call a fourth year dumbed down sales man a VP?

FORBES: Bloomberg Backs Goldman Sachs Over Ex-Employee Op-Ed

15. "More projects get made, more material is available, but a lot of it is dumbed down for the general audience, and the intimacy of fan-run conventions is now almost a thing of the past, " he said.

CNN: The uncharted journey of Ronald D. Moore

16. The positive statistics may not end the perennial debate over whether A-levels have been "dumbed down".

BBC: Achievements mask school divide

17. A-levels to get to university is the new, dumbed-down, exam system for 18-year-olds.

ECONOMIST: British politics: The two Tonys | The

18. By the same token, in the highest rungs of even our dumbed-down democracy, cultural capital is a similar marker for career and mating success.

FORBES: 'When Am I Ever Going To Use Algebra?' The Real World Utility Of Classroom Learning

19. Next, Montgomery wanted to remake Scott's line of low-end bikes aimed at women, which he says were previously just smaller, "dumbed-down versions" of men's bikes.

FORBES: Spinning Wheels

20. Michael Howard says some people think that exams have been "dumbed down", others that pupils have got smarter and teachers better.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Tory plan to 'restore' exams

21. Mr Harford, who works at the Financial Times, is an amiable guide for the non-specialist reader, neither too lofty nor dumbed-down.

ECONOMIST: Economics

22. Any politician who felt that the news was indeed being dumbed down would have a mighty hard time doing anything about it.

ECONOMIST: Here is the news

23. The great negative is that if you go too far and make an absolute fool of yourself, you actually, you've dumbed down the whole thing.

BBC: Widdecombe and Hamilton interview transcript

24. You open what we call the "text editor," the specific one we used on Wednesday was called Nano, -- which is similar to Notepad or TextEdit -- totally simple, kind of dumbed down but in a useful way so that you can just focus on writing code and not learning some new interface.

你先打开那个“文本编辑器“,就是我们周三用过的叫做Nano的编辑器,这个跟写字板和记事本差不多-,非常简单的,只是通过一种有用的方法而进行精简了的,所以你们可以把注意力集中在编写代码上,而不需要学习一些新的界面操作。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

25. This isn't just a dumbed-down guidance device, however.


26. Even Norman Pattiz, the former BBG member who dumbed down international broadcasting and replaced it with popular culture, is discontented with Al Hurra's new direction.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: WSJ: "Al-Hurra more like al-Jazeera"

27. Sky digital viewers are able to vote for the "brainiest" contender - that is, the one who they think looks the most brainy at the start of the show (I did say it had dumbed down).

BBC: Mastermind on speed

28. Today, "expert mode" still exists, but even it is being dumbed down.

ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: Give me the keys, I'll drive!

29. "What they're showing you now is a dumbed-down version of what this technology is capable of doing, " she said.

CNN: Airport security bares all, or does it?

30. The recipe may be dumbed down for cookbook readers, yet it is served atop a complex dish of marinated giant scampi.

NPR: Cranking Up Savory Sorbet

31. Over recent years, critics have said A-levels are being "dumbed down", with grades continuing to rise.

BBC: Q & A: Last year's fiasco




marketing budget翻译_marketing budget短语搭配_marketing budget权威例句

marketing budget的意思是:营销(销售)预算。学考宝为您提供marketing budget是什么意思,marketing budget翻译,marketing budget短语搭配,marketing budget权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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cut-price的意思是:adj. 廉价的;打折扣的。学考宝为您提供cut-price是什么意思,cut-price翻译,cut-price短语搭配,cut-price权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


penny-a-line的意思是:adj. 廉价的;一行一便士的。学考宝为您提供penny-a-line是什么意思,penny-a-line翻译,penny-a-line短语搭配,penny-a-line权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


vocations的意思是:n. [劳经]职业(vocation 的复数)。学考宝为您提供vocations是什么意思,vocations翻译,vocations短语搭配,vocations权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

very rough seas翻译_very rough seas短语搭配_very rough seas权威例句

very rough seas的意思是:网络 大浪。学考宝为您提供very rough seas是什么意思,very rough seas翻译,very rough seas短语搭配,very rough seas权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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jounce的意思是:vt. 使颠簸;使震动 vi. 颠簸,震动 n. 震动,颠簸。学考宝为您提供jounce是什么意思,jounce翻译,jounce短语搭配,jounce权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

annual budget翻译_annual budget短语搭配_annual budget权威例句

annual budget的意思是:年度预算:指一个组织、公司或个人在一年内计划和分配的财务资源。。学考宝为您提供annual budget是什么意思,annual budget翻译,annual budget短语搭配,annual budget权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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