莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ɡeɪm]play美 [ɡeɪm]play

  • n. 游戏,比赛;一局,一场;运动会;体育课,体育活动;儿戏;诡计,花招;猎物,野味;行当,行业;玩耍,消遣;比赛技巧
  • adj. 愿意尝试的,有冒险精神的;<旧>(腿)残疾的,瘸的
  • v. 操纵;玩视频(或电视、电脑)游戏;赌博
  • 【名】 (Game)(英)盖姆,(法)加姆,(西)加梅(人名)

复数 games 第三人称单数 games 现在分词 gaming 过去式 gamed 过去分词 gamed 比较级 gamer 最高级 gamest

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


game /ɡeɪm/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A game is an activity or sport usually involving skill, knowledge, or chance, in which you follow fixed rules and try to win against an opponent or to solve a puzzle. 游戏; 运动

    ...the wonderful game of football.



    ...a playful game of hide-and-seek.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A game is one particular occasion on which a game is played. 比赛

    It was the first game of the season.



    He regularly watched our games from the stands.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A game is a part of a match, for example in tennis or bridge, consisting of a fixed number of points. (比赛中的) 一局

    She won six games to love in the second set.


  • 4.
    复数型名词 Games are an organized event in which competitions in several sports take place. 运动会

    ...the 1996 Olympic Games at Atlanta.


  • 5.
    可数名词 You can use game to describe a way of behaving in which a person uses a particular plan, usually in order to gain an advantage for himself or herself. 计谋

    Until now, the Americans have been playing a very delicate political game.


  • 6.
    不可数名词 Wild animals or birds that are hunted for sport and sometimes cooked and eaten are referred to as game. 猎物

    As men who shot game for food, they were natural marksmen.


  • 7.
    形容词 If you are game for something, you are willing to do something new, unusual, or risky. 敢尝试的

    He said he's game for a similar challenge next year.


  • 8.
    形容词 full of fighting spirit; plucky; brave 勇敢的
  • 9.
    动词 to play games of chance for money, stakes, etc; gamble 赌博
  • 10.
    习语 If someone or something gives the game away, they reveal a secret or reveal their feelings, and this puts them at a disadvantage. 泄露秘密; 露出马脚

    The faces of the two conspirators gave the game away!


  • 11.
    习语 If you are new to a particular game, you have not done a particular activity or been in a particular situation before. 对…不熟悉

    Don't forget that she's new to this game and will take a while to complete the task.


  • 12.
    习语 If you beat someone at their own game, you use the same methods that they have used, but more successfully, so that you gain an advantage over them. 将计就计战胜某人

    He must anticipate the manoeuvres of the other lawyers and beat them at their own game.


  • 13.
    习语 If you say that someone is playing games or playing silly games, you mean that they are not treating a situation seriously and you are annoyed with them. 敷衍表不满

    This seemed to annoy Professor Steiner. "Don't play games with me," he thundered.


  • 14.

    game leg

    →a less common word for   lame



  • adj.

    gamy 勇敢的;味道强的;猎物多的

    gamey 味道强的;勇敢的;多猎物的

  • adv.

    gamely 勇敢地;不屈地

  • n.

    gambling 赌博;投机

    gaming 赌博;赌胜负

    gameness 勇敢,不认输

  • v.

    gambling 赌博;打赌(gamble的ing形式)



match competition contest game 【导航词义:比赛,竞赛】

match n. [尤英] 比赛

〔辨析〕 通常指体育比赛,一般在两人或两队之间进行。

例1: There is a tennis match tomorrow.


例2: How many matches are there this season?


competition n. 比赛,竞赛

〔辨析〕 指体育比赛或知识、技巧等方面的比赛。

例1: The swimming competition has started.


例2: He was the winner of that photography competition.


contest n. 比赛,竞赛

〔辨析〕 尤指某种技能活动或体育运动的比赛。

例1: The spelling contest will take place at our school next week.


例2: Are you going to attend the talent contest?


game n. 比赛

〔辨析〕 泛指有一定规则的比赛,如游戏、体育运动等。

例1: She prefers to see games on TV with her family.


例2: What's the result of the Spain's World Cup game against France?



1. game engine 游戏引擎 ; 趋势周期分解 ; 游戏开发引擎

2. on the game 偷窃;卖淫,为娼

3. computer game 电脑游戏

4. big game 大的猎物

5. Board game 图版游戏 ; 桌面游戏 ; 桌上游戏 ; 棋盘游戏

6. olympic game 奥林匹克运动会

7. Game Theory 数 博弈论 ; 数 对策论 ; 赛局理论 ; 博弈理论

8. game play 游戏玩法;游戏性;博弈计划

9. baseball game 棒球比赛

10. football game 足球赛;橄榄球比赛

11. ball game 局面;球类运动;活动中心

12. play a game 玩游戏;做游戏;进行比赛

13. great game 大博弈;大游戏;大角逐

14. Action Game 动作游戏 ; 动作类游戏 ; 动作游戏模式 ; 动作类

15. play the game 玩游戏;行动光明正大;遵守比赛规则

16. video game 视频游戏;电视游戏

17. card game 扑克牌戏;纸片对策

18. game theory 博弈论,对策论

19. basketball game 篮球比赛;篮球运动

20. new game 开始新游戏

21. The Game 致命游戏 ; 心理游戏 ; 把妹达人 ; 比赛的主宰者

22. Game of Thrones 权力的游戏 ; 权利的游戏 ; 冰与火之歌权力的游戏 ; 权力游戏

23. online game 网络游戏

24. on one's game 竞技状态好

25. easy game 容易受骗的人;容易捕获的猎物;轻信的人;娱乐游戏

26. zero-sum game 数 零和博弈 ; 零和博奕 ; 零和游戏

27. ahead of the game 领先,占优势;捷足先登


1. So the early break in the second, that is what changed all the games.

因此,在第二盘中我们的发球局被过早的打破, 这是整个比赛中的改变.《期刊摘选》

2. The Olympic Games begin with a parade of all the competing nations.


3. He just goes home and reads or plays video games.


4. In the second group of events and games, three or four athletes work as a group.

在第二类竞赛项目中, 运动员以三或四人作为一个整体参加.《期刊摘选》

5. The game has been rained off again.


6. The game was transmitted live.


7. This remains true and we have by now a good deal of experience in the matter.


8. Idaho, Montana and Wyoming plan to allow the animal to be hunted as trophy game.

爱达荷 、 蒙大拿和怀俄明三州计划将灰狼列入狩猎比赛类猎物.《期刊摘选》

9. Athletics events for women were introduced in 1928 at the Games held in Amsterdam.


10. She won six games to love in the second set.


11. Handball is one of the events of Olympic Games for both men and women.


12. It was a tough but clean game.


13. American football is a game played by two teams.


14. Play the game , have fun but draw it out and make it last.


15. He came into a valley where game was more plentiful.


16. For investors, risks are part of the game.


17. He must anticipate the maneuvers of the other lawyers and beat them at their own game...


18. ...the last three points of the second game.


19. Says he's a lousy golfer, but loves the game.

据称他的高尔夫球水平不高, 但喜欢这项运动.《期刊摘选》

20. I love games and hobby groups

我喜欢游戏以及兴趣小组。《18年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

21. Football Pro Contest is an arcade style football game with outstanding 3 D graphics.


22. Saturday's League game against Swansea


23. Some of the games in which the young men competed were: running, jumping and wrestling.

那时青年男子参加的竞赛项目有赛跑 、 跳远和摔跤.《期刊摘选》

24. Once I was through the first set my game picked up.


25. Two substitutions were made during the game.


26. The politician was playing a deep game.


27. ball games , such as football or tennis


28. Until now, the Americans have been playing a very delicate political game.


29. For her the whole project was just a game.


30. Still, gamification only stands to become more popular, he says, “as more and more people come into the workforce who are familiar with the structures and expressions of digital games.”

然而,他说,“随着越来越多熟悉电子游戏的结构和表达形式的人进入劳动力市场”,游戏化只会变得越来越流行。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

31. The other thing was that I always approached competitive gaming like speed chess.


32. At his grammar school he is remembered for being bad at games but good in debates.


33. Will Ronaldo's move trigger a game musical chairs?


34. Each game lasts about an hour.


35. I hadn't trained enough for the game.


36. 200 college kids were taught to play some unfamiliar video games.

研究人员教 200 名大学生玩一些陌生的视频游戏。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

37. Football and cricket are outdoor games.


38. Banners, processions, slogans, games, community hikes all that stuff.

旗帜, 游行, 口号, 竞赛, 集体野游——全是这些鬼东西.《英汉文学》

39. The children learn to read and write and they play games as well.


40. The natives use poisoned arrows to kill big game.


41. The home team took a firm grip on the game.


42. Thankfully, no one is forcing you to play this game.


43. So It'sounds like it's going to be an evenly matched game.


44. ...men who shot game for food.


45. They're in training for the big game.


46. He regularly watched our games from the stands...


47. Current Atlanta Hawks coach Lenny Wilkens has won more basketball games than any other coach.


48. How many countries took part in the last Olympic Games?


49. Fixed game crash upon the attempt to speak with the wounded character.


50. 65% of children play computer games.


51. Rain stopped the game.


52. There's a strong possibility that we'll lose the game.


53. The faces of the two conspirators gave the game away.


54. But during the holy month of the Games all fighting will stop.


55. That is, a public bar, with all the social games going with it, which is what we’ve always wanted to have, you know.

也就是一间大众酒吧,各种社交娱乐游戏都有,这是我们一直都想要的酒吧,你知道的。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

56. To hunt ( game ) with hounds.

狩猎带着猎狗追踪 ( 猎物 )《期刊摘选》

57. PSPX: Do you have any suggestions for the gaming community?

你们对游戏玩家有什么建议 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

58. card games


59. In 1912, the IOC decided to allow women in the Games.

1912年, 国际奥委会决定允许妇女参加奥运会的竞赛.《期刊摘选》

60. a game of cops and robbers


61. The Olympic Games are the world's largest pageant of athletic skills and competitive spirit.


62. At the end of the game total up everyone's score to see who has won.


63. Let's play a different game.


64. In the first games just two teams of injured soldiers took part.


65. 'Don't play games with me!' he thundered...


66. board games


67. The world No. 9 had to raise his game to see off a strong challenge from Dale...


68. From what I know of him he doesn't play silly games.


69. We called the next game.


70. Some thought they would hold out until Sunday. The realists knew that the game was already up.


71. The team is chasing its first win in five games.


72. He needs to win this game to stay in the match.


73. His goal squared the game 1–1.


74. It could also mean training employees how to do their jobs through video game platforms.

游戏化也可能意味着通过电子游戏平台来培训员工。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

75. The Olympic Games are always televised.


76. The Olympic Games are both a grand festival of sports a platform for cultural exchange.


77. ...the wonderful game of football.


78. The hounds scented out game.


79. China business signs up for a message: Last night, pass period of time ticket and game.

正文:华商报信息: 昨天晚上, 通过一些时间的拉票和竞赛.《期刊摘选》

80. Renowned tracker Klaas Kruiper hunts game in South Africa.


81. Some dogs are trained to retrieve game.


82. The tiger ranged through woods and fields in search of game.


83. I can see through your little game.


84. As it expands its services around the continent, the competition it offers should force the other airlines to raise their game.


85. How many Olympic Games have Chinese athletes participated in?


86. Don't play games with me. I'm on to your tricks and manipulations.

别跟我捣鬼, 我对你的诡计和手段一清二楚.《期刊摘选》

87. The game's selling price was$ 15 per unit.


88. Because with no guile and no game, there's no girl.

没有诡计,不玩把戏, 就钓不到马子.《期刊摘选》

89. He paced his game skilfully.


90. Ten years ago on Monday, it was announced that the Games of the 30th Olympiad would be in London.

十年前的那个星期一,(国际奥委会)宣布第30届奥林匹克运动会将在伦敦举行。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

91. After it weaves, the spider cuts away thepreceding silk, then hides the waiting game.

当它织上去后, 蜘蛛就切掉前一圈丝, 然后躲起来等待猎物.《期刊摘选》

92. We'll need a flat surface to play the game on.


93. IMO even more than the Tennis Game.


94. Australia was ahead throughout the game.


95. Don't play games with me, Jane. I'm on to your tricks and manipulations.

简,别跟我捣鬼. 我对你的诡计呵手段一清二楚.《期刊摘选》

96. He a bet that he would win the game.


97. It's a cat-and-mouse game to him, and I'm the mouse.


98. The game will be a pushover.


99. It was the first game of the season...


100. Other leagues carry on , everywhere , other games, other races.

还有其他运动协会, 到处进行的其他比赛和竞赛.《期刊摘选》

101. ...a playful game of hide-and-seek.


102. Thanks in part to video games, the generation now entering the workforce is especially open to the idea of having their work gamified.

部分归功于电子游戏,现在这一代进入劳动力市场的人对于把自己的工作游戏化这个想法非常开放。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

103. There are three game types in multiplayer, team deathmatch, free for all, and defend the base.

在多人模式中有三种游戏类型:团队死亡竞赛 、 自由战斗, 和防御基地.《期刊摘选》

104. Out of a total of 15 games, they only won 2.


105. Robert was playing a deep game.


106. Dogs scented after game.


107. After all this time he still had new ideas and was game to try them...


108. The game will be in Miami.


109. I'm ready to wager ( you ) ( a pound ) that our team will win the game.

我准备 ( 跟你 ) 打赌 ( 一英镑 ) 我们这一队会赢这场比赛.《辞典例句》

110. Chess is not a game of chance.


111. (North Amercian English)We're going to the ball game (= baseball game) .


112. Have you watched the game last night? It ws France versus Italy.

昨晚的比赛你看了 吗 ?是法国队对意大利队.《期刊摘选》

113. The betters have been waging money on this game for months.


114. I'm new to this game myself.


115. How long have you been in this game?


116. For he brought science to the game.


117. It is a Shell game , he said.

这是 壳牌 石油的诡计.《期刊摘选》

118. The team was pointing for the game with the neighbouring college.


119. Don't play games with me, Jack. I'm on your tricks and manipulation.

杰克,别跟我 捣鬼 ,我对你的诡计和手段一清二楚.《期刊摘选》

120. To bet or wager money on games of chance, races, etc.


121. No. table tennis is a game that is usually played indoors on a table.


122. The injury could mean him missing next week's game.


123. Who be to win the game is a mystery.


124. He said he's game for a similar challenge next year.


125. As the fan, enjoys the cage game the first organ often always the eyeball.

作为球迷, 享受篮球运动的第一器官往往总是眼球.《期刊摘选》

126. Network television series, speaking correct English action, ingenuity interactive games.

网络剧集, 讲正确英语行动, 别出心裁的互动比赛.《期刊摘选》

127. To search ( an area ) for game in such a manner.

搜索经此方式在某一地区捕 ( 猎物 )《期刊摘选》

128. It has been almost 8 years since the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games.


129. Where all this time was Peter? He was seeking bigger game.

这一阵子彼得又在哪儿 呢 ?他在寻找更大的猎物.《期刊摘选》

130. First, I'll explain the rules of the game.


131. Hendry raised his game to collect the £40 000 first prize.


132. I started that morning with a light heart in search of game.


133. “We are at a point where in much of the developed world the vast majority of young people grew up playing video games, and an increasingly high percentage of adults play these video games too,” Werbach says.

“在我们所生活的这个时代,很多发达地区的绝大多数年轻人都是玩着电子游戏长大的,并且有越来越多的成年人也在玩这些游戏。”Werbach 说。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

134. The Stockholm games are best remembered for a young native American named Jim Thorpe.


135. The plain white background of the Olympic flag is symbolic of peace throughout the games.


136. A tank shooting genre category of mobile games, action a bIt'slow.

一款坦克类的动作射击类手机游戏, 动作有点缓慢.《期刊摘选》

137. The team got a hiding in their last game.


138. The police knew that to trap the killer they had to play him at his own game.


139. Stretching exercises can help you avoid injury and improve your game.


140. Was it because of the growing attraction of the Internet, video games and endless TV channels? Never disconnecting from work?

这是因为网络、电子游戏和没完没了的电视节目与日俱增的吸引力吗?还是因为永远都无法从工作中抽身?《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

141. The game suddenly sparked to life.


142. This game looks fun!


143. Gasol returned earlier this month after missing nine games because of a sprained ankle.


144. Programming other board games has been a relative snap.


145. Join Derek Jeter in the most captivating baseball game on mobile.


146. I blagged some tickets for the game.


147. On the Internet, we can also find lots of songs, movies and games.

在互联网, 我们可以也找到许多歌曲 、 电影和比赛.《期刊摘选》

148. The same game, wrapped as futuristic fighters in a blood tournament, is much easier to understand.

同一个游戏, 如果把它包装成未来战士们在进行一个死亡竞赛, 这就很好理解了.《期刊摘选》

149. Go is a traditional Chinese game species asas today's one of sports competition.


150. They just handed the game to the other team on a plate.


151. The countdown to the Athens games has begun.


152. The natives use arrows to kill big game.


153. Modern badminton is a game for two or four players using lightweight rackets and a shuttlecock.


154. It's a favourite game of theirs.


155. When the uncertainties become greater than the certainties, we end up in a game of bluff...


156. “If we are designing for engineers, I’m not talking about a ‘game’ at all,” Cornetti says.

“如果我们是为工程师设计,我压根不会提到‘游戏’这个词。”Cornetti 说。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

157. This has become a big game in the metaphysical movement in particular.


158. It's satisfying to play a game really well.


159. If you give your chance away like that, how can you expect to win the game?

如果你失去那样的机会, 你怎么能期望在比赛中获胜 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

160. This video game machine has broken down.


161. Being a game of chance rather than skill, the contest was basically a gambling activity.

由于是个靠运气而非技术取胜的游戏, 该竞赛基本上是一个赌博活动.《期刊摘选》

162. The girls bet the boys a big fancy cake on their winning the game.


163. England drew their game against France.


164. Games can help children learn to form letters.


165. Americans like to bet on football games.


166. I'm ready to wager that our team will win the game.


167. Are you going to the ball game?


168. Subjects who learned the games in the morning lost some skills when they played again 12 hours later.

这些早晨学会了游戏的实验对象在相隔 12 个小时后再次玩该游戏时,遗忘了一些技能。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

169. We'll to explore Methods: To make Arena games more accessible to our players.


170. Sport Entries at the Sport Information Desk for updating entries information once the Games begin.


171. Wait for the game to load.


172. Neville Cardus, who wrote for the Manchester Guardian from 1917 until shortly before his death in 1975, is now known solely as a writer of essays on the game of cricket.

从1917年到1975年去世前不久,内维尔·卡达斯一直在为《曼彻斯特卫报》撰稿,可现在,人们只知道他是写板球比赛评论的。《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

173. He invented a new game, but it never really caught on.


174. Lions and tigers are big game.


175. The game wardens tranquillized the rhinoceros with a drugged dart.


176. It's a very amusing game to play.


177. The ancient Olympic Games around the year 776 BC in Greece.


178. The 1984 Winter Olympic Games will not feature astronauts racing around the Earth in Space Shuttles.


179. After the Civil War, baseball became a popular sport and no longer an archaic folk game.

南北战争以后, 棒球成为了流行的运动,不再是古旧的民间游戏.《期刊摘选》

180. Now it is the turn of video games.


181. These tribes roved through the uninhabited areas hunting game.


182. She needs to win the next two games to save the match.


183. ...the 2000 Olympic Games at Sydney.


184. He knew the game inside out.


185. I bet I could beat you all at this game.


186. What's the idea of the game?


187. Many people regard life as a game: you win some, you lose some...


188. I bet on his win of the game.


189. The market for computer games has reached saturation point.


190. The game was a joy to watch.


191. Don't forget that she's new to this game and will take a while to complete the task.


192. I could have won the game but decided to let her win.


193. For these two Games were more like circus shows than serious international sports meetings.


194. She plays a mean game of chess.


195. An amount of game taken or legally permitted to be taken.


196. a game of chance/skill

靠运气决定胜负 / 凭技巧取胜的游戏《牛津词典》

197. The injury was sustained during the Barclays Premiership game against Newcastle United last Sunday.


198. The game starts off in the Moon Kingdom, as Princess Serenity.

比赛开始了在月球英国, 充当公主平静.《期刊摘选》

199. So , if the guy's in the wind, he's fair game, right?

如果他仍然在逃, 把抓他归案当作公平竞赛, 怎样?《电影对白》

200. The game was called off because of bad weather.


201. They lost the game yesterday.


202. Since then, China's Asian Games Federation has not taken place with any contact.

此后, 我国未同亚洲运动会联合会发生任何联系.《期刊摘选》

203. Increasingly, companies are tapping into these desires directly through what has come to be known as “gamification”: essentially, turning work into a game.

越来越多的公司开始利用这种心理,直接创造了所谓的“游戏化”方法:从本质上说,就是把工作变成游戏。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

204. Museums are generally ahead of dealers in the branding game.


205. Contrary to our expectation, the Miami Heat won the game.

与我们所期待的相反, 迈阿密热火队赢了这场比赛.《期刊摘选》

206. The hound got wind of the game.


207. And besides, with Jonathan's wild game to contend with, I'd really welcome an ally

对了, 还有乔纳森的野战对抗游戏,我真心欢迎你 做我同伙。《17年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

208. Today, it hunts alone a sign the dingo is probably the lookout for a small game.


209. You also a great sense of humor and become interested in comedy or games.


210. A game that is very popular with these young swimmers is the underwater tricycle race.


211. Forces the game to load a complete update.


212. Abundant lions imply abundant games , and that again means abundant vegetation.

狮子的众多正暗示着其他猎物的众多, 同时也意味着植物的茂盛.《辞典例句》

213. Baseball is the national game of the USA.


214. She joined in the games with zest.


215. The team is becoming notorious below the belt in the games it plays.


216. The games accelerated improvement and drove popularization.


217. Mike has a great diversity of interests: he likes sport, travel, photography, and playing computer games.

迈克具有多方面的兴趣,他喜欢运动, 旅行, 摄影和玩电脑游戏.《期刊摘选》

218. BNP Paribas recruitment and marketing staff use the game as a tool in campus campaigns.


219. That was one hell of a game!


220. The first game ended in a tie.


221. The research shows that computer games may cause aggression.


222. To make use of ( hounds, for example ) in pursuing game.

在追猎猎物时使用 ( 猎狗 )《期刊摘选》

223. There are two versions of the game, a long one and a short one.


224. The game slowed up a little in the second half.


225. He likes no sports game except badminton.


226. Only freeborn male citizens could take part in the Olympic Games.


227. My dog nosed game out in a cave.


228. They didn't give any details about the game.


229. American breed of large powerful hound dogs used for hunting raccoons and other game.


230. She hasn't missed a game all year.


231. They were robbed of victory in the last minutes of the games.


232. The game was pretty good.


233. The Tournament admins can demand to be host in any game.


234. Becaz they want 2 bet on Chn under the olm games , hypocritically put forward dat question.

因为他们想在奥运期间打赌中国, 假惺惺的提出这问题.《期刊摘选》

235. The game was a blowout, 8–1.


236. The game will be staged in the gymnasium.


237. In England there's no trouble if you are good at any sort of games.


238. Students use forums to chat, play games, and solve problems together at no cost, or they can pay a few hundred dollars to take courses with trained teachers.

学生们在论坛上免费地交流、玩游戏并合作解决问题,他们也可以花几百美元上受过培训的老师们的课。《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

239. Lions and elephants are called big game when they are hunted.


240. Who won the most gold medals at one Olympic Games?


241. How many athletes were there at the first Modern Olympic Games in 1896?



1. But as the show winds down today, the biggest buzz isn't about a game.

NPR: Video Game Boxes Do Battle at Entertainment Expo

2. Ashe was winning the game. One official told him he would lose if he walked out of the game.

VOA : special.2010.02.07

3. And so if you choose to elect the hacker edition of this week's problem set the challenge will be to figure out not only how to implement the game but how to implement a solver for the game.

因此,如果你选择这周的应用题目为升级版,那么你将面临的挑战,不仅是如何实现这个游戏,而且,要实现此游戏的解决方法。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

4. Not long ago table tennis was a game played by geeky kids in youth clubs.

BBC: Ping pong bounces back in London

5. Also in Kenya, a video game is being tested as another way to teach young people to avoid H.I.V.

VOA : special.2009.03.16

6. Two Portsmouth fans were arrested before the game after fireworks were thrown in the city centre.

BBC: Violent clashes after Southampton and Portsmouth FA tie

7. That was until Ron Artest tied the game with a little more than seven minutes left in the fourth quarter.

VOA : special.2010.06.25

8. I mean, obviously it's different because it's about something different, but I mean in terms of the Game Theory it's different.

很显然二者的研究对象不同,但是我是说二者涉及的博弈理论也不同博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. To keep pace with these innovations, classic Italian restaurants are having to up their game.

BBC: Milans designer label food

10. "The problem is the coach is obsessed with the physicality of the game now, " he said.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | JPR attacks Welsh rugby's set-up

11. Game Boy Advance and Nintendo 64 games are scheduled to be added in the future.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

12. So this is a classic game, perhaps it's one of the most famous games, and therefore worth studying in the class.

这是一个经典的博弈案例,可能是最著名的博弈案例之一,它很值得在我们课堂上研究一下博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. What 19th century novel first described Charades, the party game of acting and guessing?

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

14. Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo have all announced the coming release of their new game consoles.

NPR: Video Game Boxes Do Battle at Entertainment Expo

15. So once we cover it, it will then be fair game to ask these photoelectron spectroscopy or these photoelectric effect questions using the wavelength of the electron.

所以一旦我们涉及到它,问及光电子能谱或者,用电子的波长问及,光电效应是一样的。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

16. With or without alcoholic beverages, going to a Timbers game can be a decidedly surreal experience.

BBC: Football fever hits the Pacific Northwest

17. Once his concept is approved, the Scout can begin to build a prototype of his game.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

18. But they crumbled after the break as the Kiwis took control of the game.

BBC: England 24-36 New Zealand

19. Around that time Kerns met Ma at a poker game set up by a common friend.

FORBES: Picking Winners

20. The Scottish parliament banned this game to keep troops from getting distracted during archery practice.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

21. They're already offering UMD game rentals, so they do have the infrastructure in place.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

22. Toronto almost stole the game.


23. Testing of a Scout's game can be done at Scouting functions such as camp outings.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

24. And sovereign is appointed for Hobbes to be much like an umpire in a baseball or a football game, to set the rules of the game.

对霍布斯来说,君主就像是足球或棒球场上的裁判,只有严格执行规则才能使比赛公正地进行。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. If security selection is a zero-sum game, the amount by which the winner wins equals the amount by which the loser loses -winners and losers being defined by performance after a security selection that has been made -well, that sounds like a zero-sum game.

如果证券选择是一个零和博弈,赢方赚得的金额,等于输方赔付的金额,谁赢谁输取决于,双方投资在证券选择后的表现,这听起来确实像个零和博弈金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. Jackie Robinson had difficulty on and off the baseball field, but he did not let that interfere with his game.

VOA : special.2009.04.05

27. Atari got cold feet, and dropped the idea -- and the game -- before completion.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

28. Afternoons are spent on game drives and tracking hikes to see cheetahs, leopards and hyenas.

BBC: Namibias cheetah rehab holidays

29. Later, Simpson arrogantly claimed: `We won't lose another game.'


30. Jenny was supervising her children in a game of football.


31. Sony has closed one of the UK's oldest video game studios following a review of its operations.

BBC: Sony shuts Wipeout video game studio in Liverpool

32. Neither.The game ended in two all.


33. That began changing when Jackie Robinson played his first game for New York's Brooklyn Dodgers on April fifteenth,nineteen forty-seven.

VOA : special.2009.04.05

34. The team tweaked the game and its characters until they found themselves playing it nonstop.

FORBES: Audacious Birds

35. McClaren has reassured Bentley his exclusion from the squad is only for one game.

BBC: Bentley defends England pull-out

36. This is the notion that technology comes along which changes the game, changes the whole way in which you are doing business.

技术颠覆是指技术出现,改变了游戏,完全改变了,教育的方式。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

37. It's a hard game to explain, and even harder when it's tangled up with politics.

NPR: The Volatile Mix of Politics and Golf

38. Is that right? In this game, when we analyzed the game repeatedly, it seemed like our analysis converged towards the equilibrium.

没错吧,当我们反复分析这个博弈,我们的分析最后会趋近均衡博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. Gayle also confirmed his belief that Twenty20 cricket is becoming the more popular form of the game.

BBC: Strauss hits back over Gayle row

40. This transaction will provide a stronger hand in the high-stakes game of global smartphones.

FORBES: Just What Did Google Buy?

41. In the longer run these movie-game hybrids will be released directly to homes via broadband networks.

FORBES: Godzilla Needs Batteries

42. We handed out again the game with the numbers, but just in case, let me just read out the game you played.

再来介绍一下这个数字游戏,但是以防万一,我来介绍下游戏规则博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. In nineteen twenty-two, two stations in New York State joined together to broadcast the championship game of American baseball.

VOA : special.2010.01.31

44. The first iconic video game character was also the highest-earning arcade game in history.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

45. They were celebrating the Los Angeles Lakers' victory over the Boston Celtics in the National Basketball Association championship game.

VOA : special.2010.06.25

46. That was some game!


47. First of all, happiness is a positive sum game-- it's not a zero sum game.

首先,快乐是正和游戏-,不是零和游戏。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

48. For many hockey fans, the most important game of the Olympics will be decided on the final day, February twenty-eighth.

VOA : special.2010.02.10

49. One is based on Scrabble, the board game where players try to form words from letters with different point values.

VOA : special.2011.02.10

50. The 25-year-old Yorkshireman suffered a torn calf muscle during the second game in Hobart on Friday.

BBC: Tim Bresnan out of remaining one-dayers in Australia

51. It was perhaps best known for later PlayStation releases including the Wipeout racing game series.

BBC: Sony shuts Wipeout video game studio in Liverpool

52. This being a Game Theory class, there's at least one game we have to discuss and we've come to it now.

既然这门课叫博弈论,我们就得学习一下接下来要讲的模型博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. In a poker game you do not want to let your opponents know if your cards are good or bad.

VOA : special.2009.11.22

54. This has outcomes in it, it's an outcome matrix, but it isn't a game, because for a game we need to know payoffs.

这个游戏有不同的结果,我们用结果矩阵来表示,但是它不是一个博弈,因为我们必须知道收益才能进行博弈博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. He has a big collection of interesting small objects such as maps,tools, game pieces,and dolls for putting inside the containers.

VOA : special.2009.09.16

56. She didn't hear the original command. Or did she just mishear in some very tragic version of the telephone game.

但是夏娃并没有亲耳听到上帝的命令,也许她从电话恶作剧中,听到了另一个版本。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. Almost any game you play has some kind of randomness or pseudorandomness which means that things change overtime somewhat unpredictably.

大多数你所玩过的游戏都有某种,随机数或者伪随机数,这就意味着每个事件都存在不可预测性。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

58. All right, so last time we were talking about the Investor Game and this was a coordination game, and we learned some things.

上一讲我们讲到了投资者博弈,这属于协调博弈,从中我们学到了不少东西博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. But the Lakers' Kobe Bryant scored twenty-six points in game six to force a game seven in Los Angeles last Thursday.

VOA : special.2010.06.25

60. In a bid to stem disorder, city pubs shut for two hours after the game.

BBC: Violent clashes after Southampton and Portsmouth FA tie

61. The game started with an apartment owner that faced increased electric bills during bad winters.

FORBES: Betting against God

62. There has also been a BBC Two series, The Spying Game, on the same subject.

BBC: Spying scandal spreads

63. But the term "exquisite corpse" comes from a game in which a group of people collectively write a story.

VOA : special.2009.10.12

64. So both the investment game and the game with... the partnership firm game are games with strategic complements.

投资博弈以及合伙人博弈,都是策略互补博弈博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

65. But first we go to a sports bar in Washington for the final game of this year's National Basketball Association championship.

VOA : special.2010.06.25




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