莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [heə(r)]play美 [her]play

  • n. 毛发,(尤指)头发;些微;(植物叶茎上的)茸毛
  • comb. 有……毛发(或头发)的 (-haired)

复数 hairs

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


hair /hɛə/

  • 1.
    有变体名词 Your hair is the fine threads that grow in a mass on your head. 头发

    I wash my hair every night.



    I get some grey hairs but I pull them out.


  • 2.
    有变体名词 Hair is the short, fine threads that grow on different parts of your body. 汗毛

    The majority of men have hair on their chest.


  • 3.
    有变体名词 Hair is the threads that cover the body of an animal such as a dog, or make up a horse's mane and tail. (动物的) 毛

    I am allergic to cat hair.


  • 4.
    习语 If you let your hair down, you relax completely and enjoy yourself. 彻底放松

    ...the world-famous Oktoberfest, a time when everyone in Munich really lets their hair down.


  • 5.
    习语 Something that makes your hair stand on end shocks or frightens you very much. 使毛骨悚然

    This was the kind of smile that made your hair stand on end.


  • 6.
    习语 If you say that someone has not a hair out of place, you are emphasizing that they are extremely neat and well dressed. 衣冠楚楚强调

    She had a lot of makeup on and not a hair out of place.


  • 7.
    习语 If you say that someone is splitting hairs, you mean that they are making unnecessary distinctions between things when the differences between them are so small they are not important. 做不必要的过细区分

    Don't split hairs. You know what I'm getting at.




  • adj.

    hairy 多毛的;毛状的;长毛的

    haired 有毛发的;长着...头发的(常用以构成复合词)

    hairless 无毛的;秃顶的

    hairlike 毛发似的;细微的;细长的

  • n.

    hairiness 有毛;多毛


  • n.头发;[解剖]毛发;些微

    capello   /   poil

  • adj.[解剖]毛发的;护理毛发的;用毛发制成的



hair bristle feather fur mane wool 【导航词义:毛】

hair n. 头发,毛发

〔辨析〕 指人或动物身上的毛,但主要指人的头发。

例1: I must have my hair cut.


例2: Our dog has left black hairs all over the floor.


bristle n. 硬毛

〔辨析〕 指短而硬的毛发。

例1: His chin was covered with bristles.


例2: This brush is made of animal bristles.


feather n. 羽毛,翎毛

〔辨析〕 指禽类的羽毛。

例1: It is as light as a feather.


例2: How beautiful its feathers are!


fur n. 软毛

〔辨析〕 指某些动物身上的柔软细毛。

例1: The cat has soft white fur.


例2: It is brown, but the tips of its fur are silver.


mane n. 鬃毛;鬣毛;[文] 长发

〔辨析〕 指马颈上的鬃毛或狮子头部及颈上的鬣毛;也指人浓密的长发。

例1: The mane of the horse is very beautiful.


例2: The lion tossed his mane.


例3: She has a rich mane of black hair.


wool n. 羊毛,毛绒

〔辨析〕 指羊或某些动物身上的绒或毛。

例1: Is this garment made of pure wool?


例2: These sheep are specially bred for their wool.



1. hair bulb 毛球

2. black hair 黑发

3. camel hair 骆驼毛 ; 驼毛 ; 驼绒 ; 骆驼绒

4. gray hair 白发

5. hair follicle 毛囊

6. hair removal 脱毛 ; 去毛 ; 毛发去除

7. in the hair ◎(兽皮)有毛的

8. hair color 头发颜色,毛色;染发

9. rabbit hair 兔毛

10. hair vaseline 发蜡 ; 头蜡

11. grey hair n. 白头发,灰发

12. hair stylist 发型设计师;美发师;美容师

13. white hair 白头发

14. straight hair n. 直发

15. human hair 人发;人的头发

16. curly hair 卷发,卷发型;自然卷发

17. short hair 短头发

18. red hair 红发 ; 红色头发

19. long hair 长发

20. blond hair 金发

21. hair conditioner 护发素 ; 倒膜 ; 护发乳

22. HAIR SALONS 格调美发沙龙 ; 发廊 ; 美发沙龙 ; 美发院

23. brown hair 棕色头发

24. hair dryer 电吹风,电风机;吹风机

25. golden hair 金发

26. hair style n. 发型

27. hair salon 发廊




black/blonde/brown/grey hair 黑发/金发/棕发/灰发

curly/straight/wavy hair 卷发/直发/波浪发


bleach your hair 漂染头发

brush/comb your hair 梳头发

colour your hair 染头发

cut your hair 剪发

do your hair 做头发

dry your hair 弄干头发

fix your hair 做头发

lose your hair 掉发

pull someone's hair 拉某人的头发

wash your hair 洗头


lock of hair 一绺头发


1. Stands a little over three feet high with sandy brown hair, and a great smile.

略微超出忍受有沙棕色毛发, 和一个重大的微笑的三英尺高.《期刊摘选》

2. What a difference! You look great with your hair like that.


3. After the head becomes an operation, can the hair still grow over there knife scar?

头做手术后, 刀疤那里还能长头发 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

4. Her hair was perfectly coiffed.


5. She remembered a young man with soft hair and clever hands.


6. Hair shaft abnormalities present as changes of hair color, density, structure and the length.

毛干的异常表现为毛发颜色 、 密度 、 结构和长度的改变.《期刊摘选》

7. Mingming sees some hair on his clothes.


8. A covering of soft , short hairs, as on some leaves or fruit.


9. She dyed her hair blonde.


10. I want about an inch off the back of my hair.


11. His hair waves naturally.


12. When Park heard about the research, he gave the hair samples to the researchers.

当帕克听说这项研究后,他就将头发样本给了研究人员。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

13. Your hair could do with a cut.


14. The stinging nettle has a square stem and little hairs.


15. Include natural chitin, clean pet hair deeply, deodorize, restrain growth and breeding of germ.

内含天然甲壳素, 针对宠物毛发能深层洁净 、 去除臭味 、 抑制微菌生长繁殖.《期刊摘选》

16. You can dye your hair whatever colour you like.


17. The length of hair changes by about 2.5 % between 0 and 100 % relative humidity.


18. Her hair was still damp.


19. His hair is falling out.


20. Short hair really becomes you.


21. Hair sprouted from his chest.


22. to comb/brush your hair


23. Conclusion C 57 BL 6 mice could be used as an animal model for further studies on hair cycle.


24. It also includes a cleaning brush to remove small hairs.


25. Beads of perspiration burst forth among his hair and trickled down upon his temples.


26. Back in the 1800 s, they were made of animal bones and hair.

回溯至十九世纪, 牙刷是用动物骨骸与毛发制成的.《期刊摘选》

27. Ears supple, narrow and fine, covered with long hair, folding inward and ending an oval shape.

柔软, 窄而细腻, 被长长的毛发所遮盖, 向内折叠,末端呈卵形.《期刊摘选》

28. A centimetre length of hair corresponds to roughly a month of growth, the team reports.

一厘米长的毛发经历了大约一个月的生长期, 研究团队报告说.《期刊摘选》

29. The majority of men have hair on their chest...


30. dark-haired


31. His hair curls naturally.


32. For example, she would say, you’ll get a spot on your tongue if you tell a lie; if you eat stale bread, your hair will curl.

比如,她会说,如果你撒了一个谎,你的舌头上就会长出一个斑点;如果你吃了不新鲜的面包,你的头发就会卷起来。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

33. Her hair shone bronze and gold.


34. She's had her hair waved.


35. He's had his hair cut really short.


36. Did you see the length of his hair?


37. Mohair is used in sweaters, scarves, coats and other and carpets and things like doll hair.

马海毛织线可以用来生产毛线衫, 围巾, 外套和其它织品,比如地毯,地垫,还有洋娃娃的毛发等等.《期刊摘选》

38. Similar patterns exist throughout the U.S. By measuring the proportion of heavier hydrogen and oxygen isotopes along a strand of hair, scientists can construct a geographic timeline.

类似的模式在全美国都存在。通过测量一缕头发中氢和氧的较重同位素的比例,科学家可以构建出一个地理学上的时间序列。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

39. body/facial/pubic hair

体 / 脸 / 阴毛《牛津词典》

40. Katy has long blackish hair.


41. Her hair could have done with a wash.


42. I have a round face and long hair, big ears and big eyes.

我有着圆圆的脸和长长的头发, 大的耳朵和大的眼睛.《期刊摘选》

43. Spline included for the hair, eyelashes modeling and the hand.

我用曲线的方法创建头发 、 眼睫毛和手.《期刊摘选》

44. The old lady has snowy white hair.


45. Central and South America having a cowl of thick hair on the head.


46. She was wearing two blue silk ribbons in her hair.


47. He still has a good head of hair.


48. “You’re what you eat and drink, and that’s recorded in your hair,”said Thure Cerling, a geologist at the University of Utah.

“你的饮食反映了你的状况,这些信息会记录在你的头发中,”犹他大学的地质学家图勒 · 瑟林说。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

49. No one seems to turn a hair at the thought of the divorced Princess marrying.


50. You're wearing well ─ only a few grey hairs!


51. Careful—you're messing my hair.


52. They are much more convenient and much time consuming than drawing each individual piece of hair.


53. Salvatore combed his hair carefully.


54. She shook her hair loose.


55. He toweled his wet hair.


56. His hair have turn gray.


57. He smoothed his hair back.


58. fair/dark hair


59. a chilling tale that will make your hair stand on end


60. The boy's hair stuck up straight with fright.


61. You've combed your hair back.


62. But not a hair on the head of any Jew was harmed.


63. He has black hair.


64. The content of Pb in hair of 541 children at the age 6~14 was determined by AAS.


65. Skin fair as snow, hair black as night.

肌肤白如雪, 头发黑似夜.《期刊摘选》

66. long-haired


67. The method relies on measuring how chemical variations in drinking water show up in people’s hair.

这个方法依赖的是测量头发中所呈现的饮用水的化学变化。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

68. He had reddish brown hair.


69. And here’s one more: We went on a campaign trip once in Italy, and my wife spent the whole time worrying about bats getting into her hair.

还有一个:有一次我们去意大利参加一个活动,我的妻子一直都在担心会有蝙蝠钻进她的头发。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

70. She ruffled his hair affectionately.


71. Use conditioner regularly to make your hair soft and manageable.


72. I like the way you've done your hair.


73. Don't split hairs. You know what I'm getting at.


74. She had a lot of make-up on and not a hair out of place.


75. Adrenal or ovarian carcinomas may be the cause of excessive hair growth.


76. Ear leathers covered with soft short hair.


77. You've had your hair cut!


78. His hair was touched with grey.


79. This was the kind of smile that made your hair stand on end.


80. I wash my hair every night...


81. Her hair was in rollers.


82. My hair soon grew back to its natural colour.


83. It tickled the hairs on the back of my neck.


84. Alopecia seborrheic ( AS ) is a kind of hair malady whose etiology is still vague at present.


85. Regular use of conditioner is supposed to give your hair more body.


86. Hormones also affect Jane's hair.


87. My hair gets full of static when I brush it.


88. straight/curly/wavy hair

直 / 鬈 / 波浪发《牛津词典》

89. I must get my hair cut.


90. Have you thought about having your hair in a shorter style?


91. Who's that long hair? — It's Joe.

那个披长头发的人是谁? —是乔.《期刊摘选》

92. I'm having my hair cut this afternoon.


93. Scientists have devised a way to determine roughly where a person has lived using a strand of hair, a technique that could help track the movements of criminal suspects or unidentified murder victims

科学家已经发现了一种通过人的一缕头发大致判断其居住地的方法。这项技术可以用来追踪犯罪嫌疑人的行踪或辨别谋杀案受害者的身份。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

94. They were able to accurately place the hair samples in broad regions roughly corresponding to the movement of rain systems.

根据雨水体系的移动,他们就可以准确地将头发样本与其大致的区域来源对应起来。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

95. He had thick black hair.


96. She'd look better with shorter hair.


97. She rumpled his hair playfully.


98. He stroked her hair affectionately.


99. Each inch of hair corresponds to about two months

每英寸头发大约对应两个月。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

100. Stork with the description of dog , the hair rendering with comb very thoughtful.

的描绘, 毛发渲染与梳理十分周到.《期刊摘选》

101. Her hair became prematurely white.


102. I think grey hair makes you look very distinguished.


103. Mary's red hair always made her conspicuous at school.


104. There's a hair in my soup.


105. The rug was covered with cat hairs.


106. ...dog hairs on the carpet.


107. She bleached her hair blonde.


108. It's becoming fashionable to have long hair again.


109. Her hair tends to tangle.


110. I've got naturally curly hair.


111. I am allergic to cat hair.


112. Theirs are the children with very fair hair.


113. What have you done to your hair?


114. He parts his hair in the middle.


115. Keep still while I brush your hair.


116. For example, hair, a pair of balloon metaphor, and the rice was unable to express.

如, 毛发 、 气球对性的隐喻性, 而大米则无法表达.《期刊摘选》

117. Her hair whipped around her face in the wind.


118. She decided to raise money by cutting off all of her hair.


119. Been through the hot equatorial north and gradually a sense of cold, different hair, different languages.

闯过炎热的赤道向北,渐渐感寒, 不同的毛发, 不同的语言.《期刊摘选》

120. Her hair was swept back from her face.


121. She combed her hair, looking at herself in the mirror.


122. Men also have hair dryers and, if they suffer from baldness, they use a growth stimulator, buy hairpieces, or have hair transplanted from the hirsute part of the scalp to the bare areas.

男士也有他们的吹风机,而且如果他们秃顶的话, 还会用毛发生长剂 、 买假发, 或者把头发从密集的地方移植到谢顶的地方.《简明英汉词典》

123. ...the world-famous Oktoberfest, a time when everyone in Munich really lets their hair down.


124. They checked the accuracy of the map by testing 200 hair samples collected from 65 barber shops.

他们通过检测从 65个理发店收集的 200 份头发样本检验了地图的准确性。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

125. The GHD straightener, buy hair straighteners, however, formed in a new and added able way.

生长激素缺乏症的矫直机, 买头发直, 但是, 形成一个新的,能够增加道路.《期刊摘选》

126. What is hair red rash?


127. The hare here hired the heir to air the hair.


128. Goats also be valuable for their hair.


129. Blond hair is unique in that it changes dramatically with age.


130. Someone pulled her hair.


131. These Ice Age mammals equiped with large tusks and long thick hair.


132. Good Lord, what have you done to your hair!


133. This is because you have shaving cream in your hair.


134. Intelligent people have more copper and zinc in their hair.


135. Objective To established an animal model for studying the hair cycle.


136. The barber thinned out his customer's thick hair.


137. Did she use to have long hair?


138. (informal)I'll be down in a minute. I'm doing (= brushing, arranging, etc.) my hair .


139. Do you want your baby to have blue eyes or brown, blond hair or dark?

你是否想要自己的婴儿有一双蓝色的眼睛,一头棕色 、 金色或黑色的头发 呢 ?


1. you'll see he's putting a bit of facial hair and look like just got out of the bed,

你会看到他留点胡须,看起来像刚起床一样,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 想成为引领时尚的人

2. He was much imitated, from his hair to his clothes to his dance moves.

CNN: Michael Jackson, a man apart

3. She's got grey hair.


4. My other dish is hair sea moss and dried oyster soup with pork tongue.

FORBES: Here Comes the Rabbit with Luck and Prosperity for All - Vegas Style

5. With his earrings and dyed hair, Hirano is not the typical buttoned-down lawyer in waiting.

CNN: ASIANOW | The Asiaweek Best Universities 1999 | The Rankings | #2 Kyoto University

6. Dylan is wearing false long hair and dancing around with a crowd of mostly younger people at a wild house party.

VOA : special.2009.12.25

7. She had theseyer brown glasses and her hair was so thin it looked like ham gravy trickling over her skull.'" Okay.

她戴着她那褐色的眼睛,她的头发很少,看起来像火腿肉汁正从她的头颅上流淌而下,好吧。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. It turns out that the donor's face, now part of Wiens' own, can grow hair.

CNN: Face transplant patient ready to go home

9. The thought of having to live alone in a house like that was so frightening it was enough to curl your hair.

VOA : special.2009.05.03

10. Their hair gets caught on the tangled thickets of the forest as they abandon -- as they are forced to abandon - the classical corners of Milton's literary imagination.

当被迫放弃弥尔顿文学想象部分的时候,她们的头发被缠绕在,杂乱的丛林深处。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. Chemical sprays like air fresheners,hair spray, household cleaning products and even strong perfumes can also trigger an asthma attack.

VOA : special.2009.07.28

12. Marteinn Hjaltested is a huge man with a sweep of red-blond hair and an outdoor complexion.

BBC: Iceland on horseback

13. These include his favorite bookstore on 57th Street and the barber shop on Blackstone Boulevard where he got his hair cut.

VOA : special.2009.01.12

14. All right, you can't sue Yale later if you had a bad hair day.

发现你糟糕的发型可别起诉耶鲁大学博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. At the age of thirty-seven, Sarah invented a mixture that helped her hair and made curly hair straight.

VOA : special.2010.03.28

16. They have nothing to communicate but the cretinous message anyone can see: I have long hair.

NEWYORKER: Youth in Revolt

17. Now kids are awash in orange and black clothes, face paint and hair dye.

FORBES: Three Cheers for a Cartel

18. The cheapest index funds like the SPDR (SPY, 113) take only a hair off.

FORBES: Rational Expectations

19. hair-raising rides at funfairs


20. The other advantages of hair sheep include that it's more resistant to parasites, so they're less prone to infection."

VOA : special.2009.08.03

21. He used to coral his long locks (since cut) with a hair net on the court.

FORBES: Maria Sharapova Is Off The Market

22. He also had three sisters. While growing up, he became known as Red Adair because his hair was bright red.

VOA : special.2009.03.22

23. Roy's eyes were just like my father's, a bright blue, and his hair was black.

NPR: Excerpt: 'The Prince of Frogtown'

24. She was perfect: pink skin,large blue eyes and long golden hair that fell over her shoulders to her knees.

VOA : special.2009.07.25

25. Pickers have to tie their hair back, wash their hands continually, remove all earrings and piercings.

FORBES: New Britannia

26. You've caught your hair.


27. The bow is made out of, typically, horse hair from the tails of horses.

大多是用马尾的马鬃制成聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. And I totally get that they make clients want to scream and pull out their hair.

FORBES: FBAR Deadline Looming

29. There will be floats and beauty queens with big smiles (and even bigger hair).

FORBES: Taxation Without Representation: Setting the Stage for Independence

30. He came to his cause when he was past 60, a dignified figure with greying hair.

ECONOMIST: Liang Congjie

31. I saw that he was fat and had no hair, and had a gentle and simple look upon his peaceful face.

VOA : special.2009.08.29

32. Chemical sprays like air fresheners, hair spray,cleaning products and even strong beauty aids can trigger an asthma attack.

VOA : special.2010.09.07

33. The victim is described as white, 5ft, slim, with shoulder length brown hair and glasses.

BBC: Milton Keynes park rape of girl aged 12

34. In the morning: Should I dry my hair or just run out with wet hair?

FORBES: The Right to Choose: Work and Motherhood

35. There was Greg Myerson, a lumberjack-sized man complete with the requisite red hair and goatee.

FORBES: A Fishing Tournament In Gotham City

36. The point of an interview is to let your qualifications shine, not your hair gel.

FORBES: Is Your 'Natural' Hairstyle Preventing You from Getting a Job?

37. So we have like a lot of different products to like, help protect your hair from the sun and water

所以我们有很多产品来,比如,帮助保护头发不受阳光和水的伤害,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我的梦想是当发型师

38. During this period, hair grows at a rate of about three tenths millimeters a day, or one centimeter a month.

VOA : special.2011.04.05

39. Last week it launched Beautybar.com, which sells makeup and high-end skin and hair products.

FORBES: Amazon Wraps Up Diapers.com for $540 Million

40. Well, if I go through that, the wavelength of such a photon is going to be so big that I am back to measuring the dimension of the human hair with the yardstick.

好的,如果我做完了这个,那个一光子的的波长将成为,我将回头测量的,用一个尺度测量出人头发的尺寸。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

41. He may mutilate his ears by piercing them. The middle Assyrian laws also legalized violence against a wife. "When she deserves it" a seignor may pull out the hair of his wife, mutilate or twist her ears.

可以刺伤其耳朵,另外,中亚述法律,也将对妻子的暴力行为合法化了,“如果她是应受的“,自由人可以拔其发,毁其耳。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. It's in Oak Ridge that Opal's hair starts falling out in clumps on her pillow.

ECONOMIST: New American fiction

43. With his ginger moustache, sun-destroyed hair and huge, rhinestone-studded watch, he's become a Hamptons icon.

BBC: Escape from New York

44. Albinism reveals itself through a lack of melanin or coloring in the skin, hair and eyes.

CNN: Witchcraft in Tanzania: the good, bad and the persecution

45. The digital image was then turned into a physical model, complete with hair and eyes.

BBC: King Richard III's modelled head to visit Gloucester

46. Two decades later, I am convinced we've left the hair-shirt brand of vegetarian gastronomy behind.

WSJ: La Nouvelle Veg: European Haute-Cuisine Goes Green

47. Katy has long blackish hair.


48. When threatened, chimpanzees-- their hair stands up on end and that makes them look bigger to fool others to thinking they're more dangerous than they are.

当黑猩猩受到威胁-,它们的毛发会竖起来,使得他们看上去更加强壮,从而使其他黑猩猩误以为它们,比原先想象中更加危险。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. In 1964, he started a trading company that sourced human hair for making wigs.

WSJ: Western Splendor in Hong Kong

50. Finally, make sure you are well-scrubbed, your nails are clean and your hair is washed.

NPR: What Every Boy Needs to Know

51. You can tell, I have less grey hair than he does.

显而易见,我的灰头发比他的少多了。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

52. This machinery is so precise that a human hair couldn't even pass between the heads and spinning platters, yet it all works in terrific speeds.

这些设备是很紧密的以至于人的头发,都不能在头和旋转的磁盘之间通过,尽管如此,它的运行速度非常快。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

53. "It changed my attitude a little, " Kessy said after the match, her hair dripping wet.

WSJ: Menu

54. Particularly if you compare them with hair cells that are present in the mammalian and the human and mouse cochlea.

尤其是与哺乳动物如人和老鼠的,耳蜗中的毛细胞相比。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

55. Consider getting your hair cut at the barber.

想象一下在理发店剪头发。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. Black women who could not attend her schools could learn the Walker hair care method through a course by mail.

VOA : special.2010.03.28

57. She loved to wear glittery jewelry, tiaras in her bright blond hair, and sequins.

FORBES: My Aunt, Olive June Black, An Ohio Original -- In Memoriam

58. She's got long hair.


59. Then she got an idea. If she could create a hair product that worked for her, she could start her own business.

VOA : special.2010.03.28

60. So, yeah, I just, I don't really like having brown hair because I feel like a lot of people have it

所以,我真的不喜欢棕色的头发,因为我觉得太多人都是棕色头发了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 忘不了的生日礼物

61. Ardman is 5 foot 11, weighs 167 pounds and has blue eyes and sandy-colored hair.

FORBES: The Perfect Patient

62. He looked skinny in his post-bypass body and still sported his trademark shock of white hair.

FORBES: Bill Clinton Enlivens Dell Conference

63. I did not want them to be difficult or to get in my hair while I was working on the computer.

VOA : special.2009.05.03

64. It's funny a little bit. It's a picturesque comparison, hair and gravy, 0 but it emphasizes that ugliness. Now, if you look on page 80 , this is a woman climbing out of the swimming pool.

这的确挺好玩儿的,这是一个生动的对比,头发和肉汁,小说着重强调了丑陋,现在,如果你把书翻到第80页0,我的书是84页,这是一个刚才游泳池中爬出的女人的形象。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

65. But Moore's hair was not always done up.

然而穆尔的头发并不总是梳得一丝不苟的。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课





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